Lake Diane Property Owners Association Annual Meeting June 10, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Annual Meeting

June 10, 2017


The meeting was called to order by President Roger Giallorati at 10:17AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Scott Coakley

Kevin Mack

Jerry Agrusa




Al Vitous


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


A quorum was verified.


Kim Byrne, Secretary, presented minutes from the June 11, 2016 annual meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Nominations were accepted for three vacant positions on the LDPOA Board of Trustees. Nominees were:


Rod Anderson

Roger Giallorati

Jerry Agrusa

Bob Pitzen


All candidates accepted their nominations.


Roger Giallorati made a motion that the option for nomination be closed.


Results of the election with number of votes received, and term length is:


Jerry Agrusa with 71 votes, for a two year term

Roger Giallorati with 61 votes, for a two year term

Rod Anderson with 73 votes, for a three year term

Bob Pitzen with 26 votes, did not qualify for a position on the board of trustees



Aquatic Life:


Treatment of the lake weeds has been delayed until Tuesday, June 13. It had been scheduled for June 8th.  Clarke Aquatic Services is much more technical in their services and will be utilizing two small boats with the chemical being released beneath the surface v one large one with the chemical being sprayed onto the water’s surface.  Executed permission slips are good through 2020.


Arda Bucher and Bill Smith have volunteered to conduct the weed mapping of the lake again this year. Arda requested that if you spot starry stone wart, that you please report it to either her or Bill.


There will be no spring phosphorus testing this year, however there will be water clarity testing. Phosphorus and water clarity testing will both be done in the fall.


There were only eleven goose eggs found this year. There are very few nests on Lake Diane.




Terry Rupp gave a report on the Shoreline Restoration project. It continues to be a work in progress.


JoEllen Wright will be using the proceeds from the annual wine crawl for an addition to the play structure at Chickadee Park.


The “old” play structure at Chickadee Park has been repaired to make it safe. It has also been repainted.  


Lake Diane Events:


The annual picnic is scheduled for August 5th.  A clipboard is being circulating at today’s meeting seeking volunteers for set-up, bbq’ing, chairing of games, and to clean-up.


The Toys For Tots Breakfast With Santa event will be held December 2nd at Shoreside Plaza.


Treasurer’s Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer, presented the Treasurers report. The report was approved as written.


The proposed 2018 annual budget was submitted. After discussion, it was decided that the budget for dredging be increased to $70,000. Bob Christ made a motion that the proposed budget be approved as written, with the exception that dredging budget be increased to $70,000.  Roger Giallorati seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Arda Bucher, Nancy Bell and Ruth Weiss volunteered to conduct the 2017 audit. The audit will be completed, then presented at the 2018 annual meeting.



There was discussion regarding fundraisers and donations to expedite increasing funds for dredging. It was decided that we will not promote either at this time.


Scott has received a bid of $428,000 for the dredging of the twelve locations which have been defined as “trouble areas”. It has been proposed that the bay behind Shoreside Plaza be the first area dredged.  Scott hopes to begin the dredging project in the fall.  The permit will be good for five years.


Old Business:


Discussion ensued with the placement of camper trailers on properties of Lake Diane which are bound by deed restrictions. Roger made a motion that a vote of members in attendance be taken to decide if the board of directors should enforce the deed restrictions and continue to pursue property owners who are in violation.  Kim seconded the motion.  A vote of the members was taken with results being 38 ayes, and 26 nays. LDPOA will continue to enforce the deed restrictions, then proceed with the necessary actions to remedy violations.


New Business:


History of the lawsuit between LDPOA and Blaine LeBlanc and Dennis MacDonald was discussed. LDPOA and Blaine LeBlanc and Dennis MacDonald have agreed to delay court action until August, 2017.  LDPOA is pursuing legal action against LeBlanc and MacDonald for payment of outstanding dues. 


Blaine LeBlanc has proposed to remove trees and brush from the roadways within the French Quarter subdivision at his cost in lieu of all outstanding dues. There would need to be a survey completed before the work would commence.  This cost would be the responsibility of LDPOA.  It is estimated that the survey would cost approximately $3.000.00.  LeBlanc owns multiple properties within French Quarter, and has intentions of building “spec” homes for sale.  LeBlanc has requested that all further discussion be inclusive to him as Dennis MacDonald is not his business partner.


Prior to today’s meeting, Roger made a motion that all facts be presented to the member’s in attendance of the 2017 annual meeting. The member’s would then vote to accept Blaine LeBlanc’s proposal that he clear all the roads of the French Quarter subdivision in lieu of all outstanding dues.  If the member’s decide against Blaine’s proposal, Blaine would then bring all outstanding dues current.  Blaine seconded (agreed to) the motion.  A vote was taken.  The motion was not passed with a vote of 5 ayes, and 47 nays.


At 12:30PM, Roger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:



Kim Byrne, Secretary




Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

June 10, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 12:35PM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Scott Coakley

Kevin Mack

Jerry Agrusa

Rod Anderson


The purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the current board of directors.


Kim made a motion that Roger serve as president. Jerry seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Kim made a motion that Scott serve as vice-president. Roger seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Scott made a motion that Kim serve as secretary. Roger seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Roger made a motion that Jim serve as treasurer. Jerry seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 12:40PM, Kim made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Roger seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully Submitted:



Kim Byrne, Secretary