The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Lake Diane Community Association meeting was called to order at 10:30AM by Roger Giallorati.
All Lake Diane Community Association Grants of Authority were reviewed and accepted. All dues were paid, which qualified the members in attendance as “members in good standing”.
Members In Attendance:
Roger Giallorati
Scott Coakley
Jim Watt
Kim Byrne
Kevin Mack
Rod Anderson
Jerry Agrusa
Terry Rupp
Diana Coakley
Brenda Mack
Karen Watt
After discussion, it was determined that the seven members in attendance which constitute the LDPOA board of trustees be appointed to the LDCA board of trustees. It was also determined that all officers retain their current office as voted by the trustees at the LDPOA board of trustees meeting June 9th, 2018.
Roger made a motion that the Lake Diane Community Association Bylaws be approved. Rod seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.
Dues for membership will be as follows:
*$120.00 if membership is acquired on or before December 31, 2018
*$150.00 if membership if acquired after December 31, 2018
*If membership is acquired, and the member owns more than one member lot, the dues will be 100% of the first year’s dues for the first lot, then 50% of the first year’s dues for each additional lot.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding the incentive for membership. There are positive changes to the bylaws which the board believes will increase interest. A membership drive will ensue with a mailing to current LDPOA members.
Kim made a motion that an Event Committee be formed to promote the goodwill of the association through recreational activities. Rod seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. The committee will consist of members Rod Anderson, Kim Byrne, Diana Coakley, and Brenda Mack.
The cost of weed treatment was given consideration as an incentive for membership. After discussion, it was determined that if a non-member property owner wishes to have the weeds treated at their shoreline, the fee will be $200.00.
LDCA will hold monthly board of directors meetings each month upon the adjournment of the LDPOA monthly board of directors meetings.
At 11:15 Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Scott seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne