October 6, 2018
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Lake Diane Community Association meeting was called to order at 10:17AM by President, Roger Giallorati.
Board Members In Attendance:
Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vce President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Rod Anderson
Jerry Agrusa
Minutes from the September 8, 2018 meeting were presented by Kim Byrne. The minutes were approved as written.
The Treasurers report was presented by Jim Watt. The report was approved as written.
At the Saturday, October 6th, Lake Diane Community Association monthly board meeting it was brought to our attention that multiple community member’s did not receive the 2018 Spring Newsletter. Upon discussion, there were several reasons we believe this may have happened: (1) USPS error, (2) the address we have on file for you may be incorrect, (3) the address we have on file for you may not have a receptacle. An email will be sent to property owners on file which will include the newsletter.
There was a lengthy discussion as to the difference between Lake Diane Property Owners Association, Lake Diane Community Association and Friends of Lake Diane and their memberships
Aquatic Life:
The lily pads were not treated this year as the LDPOA funds are depleted.
A marquis sign has been installed on the shelter house. The sign will advertise upcoming Lake Diane Community Association events and special notices.
The woodstove has been installed and the one remaining tarp that is still in use has been dropped for the winter months.
Calendar of Events:
The Toys for Tots event has been canceled. However, a box is located at Shore Side Plaza convenience store for donations.
There are no longer funds available for purchase of hotdogs for the Trunk or Treat event.
Old Business:
Nothing new to report.
New Business:
Nothing new to report.
At 10:55 Jim made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Roger seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne