Monthly Board Meeting
May 11, 2019
Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Rod Anderson
Jerry Agrusa
Kevin Mack
Kim Byrne, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:17AM.
Minutes from the April 13, 2019 meeting were presented by Roger Giallorati. The minutes were approved as written.
Jim Watt presented the Treasurers Report. The report was approved as written.
Jim reported that the membership drive has maintained its momentum. To date there are 172 Grants of Authority signed by property owners.
Treatment of the lake weeds will take place the first week of June.
Goose Egg roundup produced 32 eggs. Some gooselings have been observed.
Scott mentioned the Lake level is 6 inches over the dam level currently. Karlye Horton has been in communication with the HCDC attorney to finalize approval for raising the lake level. Raising the level of the lake will have a positive impact on the dredging projections.
Bill and Arda will continue the water testing and had attended the latest seminar. They noted wake boarding was many discussions about proposed wake boarding restrictions.
Roger and Kim are to sign deeds for Parks – hopefully Monday and Tuesday. Once completed Amboy Township will convey Parks to LDCA. Dan Fleck inquired about who enforces the deed restrictions. He was told nobody has this authority.
Boaters Safety – June 1st
Annual Meeting – June 8th
Board Members up for reelection are: Roger Giallorati, Kevin Mack and Jerry Agrusa.
Roger to have 100 copies of bylaws printed.
A vote was taken to approve the June Lake spraying not to exceed $18,000. The members approved unanimously. The annual budget will be passed/voted on at Annual Meeting.
Sign up sheets were recommended by Terry Rupp at the Annual Meeting for tree removal at one of the Parks. Dave Ogle offered to grind the stumps. Terry also suggested to put some crews together to collect trash on the roads. Also need one for painting the shed and work details for picnic.
At 10:59am Roger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jerry seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Roger Giallorati