Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Al Vitous , Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kevin Mack, Trustee
The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:00 am.
The minutes from the 9-10-22 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. An adjustment to reword minutes about letters to trailers was done. Motion to approve adjusted minutes made by Chris Sellers-seconded by Al Vitous.
The Treasurer’s report was not presented
TRAILERS – Jerry will go to Hillsdale to get copies of deed restrictions. Perhaps meet Kim (atty) about removal of trailers. All deed restrictions state trailers are prohibited.
RENTALS – If a rental is not in a sub with deed restrictions, rules may not apply. If there are any issues with renters, suggest authorities can be called. Cameras are allowed if pointed on their property.
Some board members went to the September 12th meeting at Pioneer High School. Discharge, wells, waste and chemicals used were discussed. Williams County did not approve the discharge pipe permit. But the building is still in process of being built. The investors are putting in a large amount of funds.
Jerry suggested the November meeting to be held at 9:00 am at the store. Although Friends Community Center could be an option. We will meet in December. January and February are tentative since we might not have a quorum.
Tyson Trail Road is bad. It should be fixed for emergency vehicles. Friends of LD offered them to have their mailboxes moved by Friends Community Center. Being a privately maintained road, Assoc is not involved. Amboy does not have it in their budget to repair road. I
LDCA has one more year in Clark’s gentleman’s agreement. Jerry inquired about a 5 year plan for weed spraying and get weeds under control. We could move forward to get 51% of lake owners to agree for spraying and make it a special assessment. Cost would be allocated by all the lake front properties owners. The investors would have an interest in maintaining the lake instead of being inundated with weeds where our property value would decrease. Kevin got a letter that will be discussed at November’s meeting.
Nothing to report.
Nancy brought up about organizing a golf cart parade. This would be July 4th weekend and prize for best decorations.
A newsletter to assoc members with the billing will be done next Spring. This will include wake time and no wake zones on the lake. Several other items could be added.
Wake time hours according to R281.730-11 have been posted on the LDCA website.
No wake areas are less than 200 feet shore to shore. Strip connecting North and South lakes are less than 200 in some areas but not marked as no wake. No wake is defined as the slowest your boat will go without losing control. Jim received a letter from Michigan Lakes and Streams that will be discussed at the next meeting.
A few Friends of Lake Diane board members joined us at the meeting. They have extended an invitation to use the Community Center for association meetings, golf outing and picnics. It can hold 185 people, has tables, chairs, bathroom and kitchen areas. And it is heated! Perhaps have Boaters Safety class at the Community Center in 2023.
A shadow box plexiglass frame will be installed near shelter house for assoc information.
LD does not have overflow of water on ‘Go Forth Dam’. Water is low due to lack of rain. Not sure who owns dam property. Looking into a meter to measure water level. Might have to spend $400-$500 for survey.
Form for board’s approval to add Jerry Agrusa for LDCA Financial information will be done at November’s meeting.
At 10:19, Jerry made a motion to adjourn meeting. Al seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell