May 2024 Monthly Board Minutes

May 18, 2024

Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Al Vitous, Trustee


The meeting was called to order at 9:10 by President, Jerry Agrusa at TTT. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The minutes from April 13, 2024 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. With a couple of minor changes, a motion was made by Jim Watt to approve adjusted minutes, seconded by Scott Coakley. All in favor and the minutes were approved.

Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. There was a partial payment from a delinquent payer of the association dues. More surveys came in during the past month. Looks like top of the list is water quality and illegal rentals. The results will be shared at the Lake Diane annual meeting in June. The treasury report was accepted by Al Vitous and seconded by Scott Coakley. All in favor.

Two new members have joined the Association bringing the total to 205.

Eight claims pursuant to Michigan Marketable Deed Restriction Act were filled at the Hillsdale County Deeds office in Hillsdale. Jerry filed an umbrella claim in behalf of the association and will keep the paperwork in his files. Cost per filing is $30.00. Bill 721 deadline has been extended to September 25th, 2025. At the June meeting, we will explain and hand out forms to have owners fill out since more claims help the lake.

The next annual meeting will be held at 10 o’clock on June 8th at the shelter house. Three people are up for election. They are Nancy Bell, Al Vitous, and Kevin Mack. Other officers terms end:
Scott Coakley and Chris Sellers – end 2025
Jerry Agrusa and Jim Watt – end 2026
Jerry signed the contract for the spraying of the weeds. Target date is the second week of June – asking for it to be done the beginning of the week. Aquabounty is a dead deal but a new business could replace it. Pond draining is done for now. 27 goose eggs were collected. The Assoc is looking for volunteers to take a goose round up class for next year

There wasn’t any responses after 15 calls regarding the dirt at the Pickleball court. There are funds in the park budget to get some dirt. This is needed for safety reasons. Bees have been spotted in park equipment at Chickadee Park. They were sprayed by professionals and paid by a resident. He will be reimbursed from LDCA association funds.

Boaters Safety Class – June 1st – Register on line – location at LakeView UB Church
LDCA Annual meeting – June 8th
Garage Sale – June 16th
Golf Cart Parade/Rally – July 6th 11:30 registration at Shelter House *
Fireworks – July 6th (Rain Date July 7th) *
Poker Run – July 7th *
Golf Outing – TBD *
Reverse Raffle – August 3rd *
Family Picnic at the Shelter House – August 10th
Lake Diane Wine Crawl – August 31st *
Poker Run – September 1st *
Trunk or Treat – October 25th *
Music Jam – 3rd Friday in June-September *
*LDCA – non-sponsored events

Many Airbnb/rentals are around Lake Diane. Some are listed as owned by LLC business. Past renters have shot guns on the lake and don’t follow Lake rules. A concerned resident of Lake Diane stopped two and wants to pursue others. Letters have been sent with no response to come to an agreement. Neighbors can communicate with owner of rentals in their subdivision reminding them rentals are against deed restrictions and telling them to stop. If a lawyer gets involved, they send out letters giving them 10 days to respond. If ignored, it would go to court and they could pay legal fees. They are not following deed restrictions and believe Judge will rule in lakes favor with a Summary of Disposition. This will also be put on the LDCA website that rentals are not allowed.
The wake boat ordinance probably won’t get approved this year being an election year.
The Deed Restrictions Marketable Act will be discussed at the June annual meeting. Blank paperwork will be distributed to owners.
Fireworks collection starts Memorial Day weekend.
A resident has asked about installing a library house in Chickadee Park for all to use. This was approved by the board.
Chris proposed new sign holders to advertise events to go around several high traffic areas of the Lake.

At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kevin Mack seconded the motion. All agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell5-18-24 meeting minutes .pages