June 10, 2023
Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Al Vitous, Trustee
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited .
The minutes from of the June, 2022 annual board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved by Scott Coakley as written-seconded Jerry Agrusa. All approved.
Jim Watt presented the Treasury Report. The report was approved as written by Rod Anderson.The proposed Budget for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year was presented. A new laptop for $500 was added to replace existing Association laptop that was purchased used years ago and is not working anymore. There was also an increase in insurance for the fireworks. The budget was approved by Kathy Christ and seconded by Scott Coakley. A vote was taken and the budget was approved unanimously.
Jerry Agrusa and Jim Watt’s 3 year terms ended. The floor was open for nomination for the LDCA board. No one volunteered so the nominations were closed. No election was done and Jerry and Jim both agreed to stay on the board for another 3 years.
Board members are:
Jerry Agrusa – term ends 2026
Scott Coakley – term ends 2025
Jim Watt – term ends 2026
Nancy Bell – term ends 2024
Kevin Mack – term ends 2024
Chris Sellers – term ends 2025
Al Vitous – term ends 2024
Jim Watt approved and Scott Coakley seconded. All approved.
There are 7 trailers on the lake. This is down from 33 that was on lake before. Many got letters years ago from attorney, Kim Burger, and could be in contempt of court. Property owners would have to pursue with attorney. Association would back them up. This is hard to enforce if only there on a weekend.
French Quarters has 72 lots with some trailers and everyone is not obeying deed restrictions. Kevin contacted the Health Dept and was informed porta pottys are legal if maintained and dumped properly by licensed pumping company.
A new attorney, Cliff Bloom, is replacing Kim Burger. Besides trailers, he will be contacted about private business, deed restrictions and rentals on lake. Per legal advice about 1 1/2 years ago, to change deed restrictions, you need 51% of all 7 subdivisions.
Besides general maintenance, there were boring bees at the Chicadee park. Kevin blocked holes made by them and now they are gone.
The weeds were sprayed on June 1st. Existing company prices went up. Jerry contacted other companies and they will submit bid for next year. Spray amount is based on amount of acres, which went up $65 in one year per acre plus $1600 permit. All paid members could be sprayed. The deadline to pay in 2023 was May 20. People contacted Jim Watt much after this date to see if they could get sprayed. Unfortunately it was too late for the several steps that are required to be put on the list of the spray company. Spray signs were different colors, no reason why.
The Goose egg hunt collected 36 eggs in 6 nests. This is the largest amount collected for years. We notified members they could volunteer next year. No longer can we do a Roundup, only nest destruction.
Aquabounty paused operations for now looking for additional funds. LDCA drafted and mailed a Resolution to oppose fish farm development to DNR. We are now on record.
Fireworks are July 1st, rain date July 2nd
Golf Cart Parade will be on July 3rd Noon.
Golf Outing – At Suburban on July 22nd by Kim Byrne
Family Picnic – August 12th. All invited. A sheet was passed looking for volunteers to help.
At 10:57, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Al and Scott seconded the motion. All agreed and the annual meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell