April 15th, 2023
Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Al Vitous, Trustee via phone
The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:03 at the restaurant – TTT.
The minutes from the March 13th monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved by Jim Watt as written – seconded by Jerry Agrusa.
Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. Payments for annual Assoc fees are starting to come in. The shelter house is not eligible for Consumers Power rebate for loss of power back in March. Jerry Agrusa approved the report, Chris Sellers seconded. All in favor.
No change
Bev came to present an hour long presentation the status of Aquabounty. She brought over the College Newspaper article that had 47K views and suggested to look at website https.//OhioDNR.gov. It would take 27 million gallons to fill tank. The modified fish would eat twice as much and grow twice as fast. They could be sold in stores and identified by UPC code. Most would be served in restaurants. The water level will effect Lime Lake, Merry Lake, Clear Lake, Lake Diane and Silver Creek areas. They are saying no effect on Lake Diane but wells could go down one foot. If an issue, notify Aquabounty and they will monitor. They still don’t have right away for drain line and power amp issue. As of now, we are not getting a lot of support from Michigan officials since it is located in Ohio. This is an issue effecting 1/3 of Hillsdale County.
Jerry received a quote from SOLitude Lake Management. Price was close to prior year spray if 30 feet out with spraying of Lilly pads. Jim Watt proposed to accept contract, Scott Coakley seconded.
Nothing to report
Nothing reported
ARS will not give Lake Diane Special Discount rate.
Goose egg hunt starts today. On Newsletter, we asked owners to notify board if they saw a nest. Nothing reported.
A Verizon tower with 5G network will be built on Easy Street at the lake.
Territorial Road near Carpenter will be closed late summer to Spring, 2024 to work on two bridges. Suggested detour is taking Montgomery Road to 49.
Water in Chickadee Park area has black algae. But not as bad as a week ago.
Lake attorney, Kim Burger, has moved to different position and no longer can be working for us. Jerry received recommendations and talked to different person out of Grand Rapids. He has more experience working with lakes which is beneficial for us. Jerry motioned the contract to be signed. Nancy Bell seconded. All approved.
Chris Sellers did a chart of visitors to lakediane.org. Many outside the lake are viewing but glad to see property owners are looking at also.
Scott Coakley said a lot of the lake has 3 lines for power but noticed areas were there are only 2 lines. He will contact power company to see if upgrade can be done.
At 11:12, Jerry Agrusa made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell