LDCA Monthly Board Meeting – July 2022


Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitouis, Trustee

The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:00 am.

The minutes from the 6-11-22 Annual board meeting was read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved as written.

Jim Watt presented the treasurers report. Fireworks and Golf outing payments were made. Funds are down from last year at this time. No complaints about the price increase for spraying. Jerry motioned to approve treasury report as written. Kevin seconded. All approved.

No increase or decrease in members. Stands at 199

The second spraying of weeds was done the week of June 27, 2022. Jim got the invoice for lower than expected. Difference could be they sprayed 30 feet from shoreline instead of 50 feet. Lily pads will be sprayed late August/September for additional cost.

Kevin installed the LD sign at Woodbridge and Territorial. He will look into installing second sign down the street depending on condition of sign.

The quantity of trailers are down, 6 years ago had 33 or 34. Chris and Jerry will take audit of existing trailers on lots. Maybe have attorney Kim Burger send another letter, but $225 per hour! Suggestion made to help neighbors with instructions on what they can do to pursue trailer owners. We can get a head start for letters next year – in April. Last letter from Attorney was June, 2021

There were 2 Rentals stopped by Doug Whittler by EOY. Residents on dame subdivision must pursue, not LDCA. It is a high cost to get legal action by attorney. Jerry to contact Doug to see who he used.

Golf Outing – July 23rd.
Annual Picnic – August 13th
No bounce house. Jerry will order 12 dozen corn (from James & Esther) and 120 hot dogs. All essentials will be in shed. Nancy will put on message board after golf outing message is gone – picnic is open to all LD residents.

We are out of Boaters Safety Books. Jim will ask class instructor if he has any to donate. Cost is $1.99 per book on line. $60,00 can be used from Park budget if necessary. Nancy will write wake hours of 11:00 – 7:30 on ‘Its the Law’ sheet in Welcome Package-if missing.

Chris volunteered to contact Jeff W on View Dr. Maybe take over but could be a cost we don’t have now. Will look into license or working together.

Roads have some bad areas but not completed yet. They are getting worse with heavy trucks on them. Kevin will attend Amboy Township meeting on Wednesday to ask about status update.

Shelter House rentals are open to all owners on LD with no charge. New agreement created to be signed by board member and renter.
There has been reports of boaters abusing no wake hours. Different times (DST vs Standard time) posted on different websites. Kevin will look into sign at public launch. Jerry will inquire with a friend at Merry Lake about wording of their wake hours.
It was agreed at the annual meeting for the Assoc board all to have 3 year terms. If necessary , have formal update on bylaws at next Annual meeting

At 10:29, Jerry made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell, Secretary


LDCA Monthly Board Meeting, April 09, 2022

Lake Diane Community Association – April 9, 2022

Board Members Present:

Vice President -Jerry Agrusa

Jim Watt, Tresurer

Nancy Bell

Al Vitous, via phone

Not Present: Kevin Mack, Kim Byrne

The meeting was called to order at 10:04 by Jerry Agrusa

The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Jim Watt presented his monthly report and it was accepted as read.

Old Business:

1. Aquatic Life – discussed spraying contract, 2 years ago our cost was $27.500. Increase is about 40%. When a home owner signs the check to make their payment, that serves as permission. No additional signatures are needed. No spraying before June 1″ is our practice.

2. The signs for our lake out on Territorial Road have both come down, is there anyone who wants to repair them?

3. The current calendars have gone out with our annual bills,.

New Business:

1. Our Annual Goose Removal Permit has arrived. We have until April 16th30th to do our nest destruction

1. Jerry moved to change our fiscal year to match the calendar year. This will be on the agenda for our annual meeting.

2. Plans for the fireworks were discussed. The applications are on file with the Township.

At 10:30 Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting, Nancy seconded the motion.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Watt

Public Meeting – AquaBounty Extraction and Discharge

pic of water and dock

Information about Lake Diane’s Aquifer

Public Meeting: 

AquaBounty Receipt of Wastewater Discharge Permit Application (Williams Co.)

Monday, September 12, 2022

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

North Central Local High School, Varsity Gymnasium

400 Baubice Street, Pioneer, Ohio 43554

Ohio DNR Details :  https://epa.ohio.gov/about/media-center/events/public-meeting-aquabounty-NPDES-Application

Williams County (OH) Alliance info :  https://www.facebook.com/wmscoa/

Background:  Lake Diane is part of the Michindoh Aquifer.  Being Aquifer spring fed, our lake ecology and health is directly dependent upon groundwater for sustainability.  Please be sure to share your voice regarding the extraction of millions of gallons of water from our ecosystem for salmon farming.

This information is being brought to you by LDCA but is not in the jurisdiction of LDCA. 

Note about recent letters left with some neighbors

Lake Diane Community Residents;

Good Day:

It has come to the attention of the Lake Diane Community Association Board that a notice is circulating regarding rental properties on the lake.

First let me state that the notice is not being circulated in mail boxes by the LDCA Board. We, along with all members present at the annual meeting, were provided the information this past June, but have not reviewed, nor had discussions on the information as a board.

Secondly, any notifications to lake residents for information such as this would be direct mailed to all Lake Diane residents.

Finally, each property has specific deed restrictions for your individual property. We find that most deed restrictions do contain specific language regarding trailer and commercial or rental properties. We suggest that you review your property’s specific deed restrictions to ensure that you are in compliance.

We hope this clears any mis-understanding.

Warm Regards

Jerry Agrusa

LDCA Board President