October 2022 Board Minutes
Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Al Vitous , Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kevin Mack, Trustee
The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:00 am.
The minutes from the 9-10-22 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. An adjustment to reword minutes about letters to trailers was done. Motion to approve adjusted minutes made by Chris Sellers-seconded by Al Vitous.
The Treasurer’s report was not presented
TRAILERS – Jerry will go to Hillsdale to get copies of deed restrictions. Perhaps meet Kim (atty) about removal of trailers. All deed restrictions state trailers are prohibited.
RENTALS – If a rental is not in a sub with deed restrictions, rules may not apply. If there are any issues with renters, suggest authorities can be called. Cameras are allowed if pointed on their property.
Some board members went to the September 12th meeting at Pioneer High School. Discharge, wells, waste and chemicals used were discussed. Williams County did not approve the discharge pipe permit. But the building is still in process of being built. The investors are putting in a large amount of funds.
Jerry suggested the November meeting to be held at 9:00 am at the store. Although Friends Community Center could be an option. We will meet in December. January and February are tentative since we might not have a quorum.
Tyson Trail Road is bad. It should be fixed for emergency vehicles. Friends of LD offered them to have their mailboxes moved by Friends Community Center. Being a privately maintained road, Assoc is not involved. Amboy does not have it in their budget to repair road. I
LDCA has one more year in Clark’s gentleman’s agreement. Jerry inquired about a 5 year plan for weed spraying and get weeds under control. We could move forward to get 51% of lake owners to agree for spraying and make it a special assessment. Cost would be allocated by all the lake front properties owners. The investors would have an interest in maintaining the lake instead of being inundated with weeds where our property value would decrease. Kevin got a letter that will be discussed at November’s meeting.
Nothing to report.
Nancy brought up about organizing a golf cart parade. This would be July 4th weekend and prize for best decorations.
A newsletter to assoc members with the billing will be done next Spring. This will include wake time and no wake zones on the lake. Several other items could be added.
Wake time hours according to R281.730-11 have been posted on the LDCA website.
No wake areas are less than 200 feet shore to shore. Strip connecting North and South lakes are less than 200 in some areas but not marked as no wake. No wake is defined as the slowest your boat will go without losing control. Jim received a letter from Michigan Lakes and Streams that will be discussed at the next meeting.
A few Friends of Lake Diane board members joined us at the meeting. They have extended an invitation to use the Community Center for association meetings, golf outing and picnics. It can hold 185 people, has tables, chairs, bathroom and kitchen areas. And it is heated! Perhaps have Boaters Safety class at the Community Center in 2023.
A shadow box plexiglass frame will be installed near shelter house for assoc information.
LD does not have overflow of water on ‘Go Forth Dam’. Water is low due to lack of rain. Not sure who owns dam property. Looking into a meter to measure water level. Might have to spend $400-$500 for survey.
Form for board’s approval to add Jerry Agrusa for LDCA Financial information will be done at November’s meeting.
At 10:19, Jerry made a motion to adjourn meeting. Al seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell
Lake Diane before and After 1960s transformation
In the 1960s, the lake we know of now as Lake Diane was terraformed from the dredging and flooding of lowlands that surrounded two natural lakes. See our History for more. Below is a picture roughly showing what was (according to old maps) and what is now according to the Hillsdale GIS system. Enjoy this mix of history and present.
LDCA Monthly Board Meeting – October 2022
Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Al Vitous , Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee
The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:03 am.
The minutes from the 7-9-22 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. Motion to approve by Jim Watt-seconded by Kevin Mack. The minutes were approved as written.
Jim Watt presented the Treasurers report. Several bills plus insurance bills came in. Jim may contact another insurance company to get a quote. LDCA license (LARA) has been paid and is good till October, 2023. Received Consumers Power bill. Very little kilowatts used, all taxes and fees. Jerry motioned to approve treasurers report as written. Scott seconded. All approved,
199 members – no change
Jerry passed out meeting agenda
TRAILERS – Jerry and Chris to follow up to see if trailers re-appear. A couple are concerning. Last attorney letter gave 10 day notice to remove. Suggested that we tour on Memorial Day weekend, 2023 and send heads up letters of advisory notification of potential legal precedents.
RENTALS– comment made on website about rentals. There was a reply saying a resident was successful and any concerned residents may take action. The association and the board are not involved in any actions being taken. Although a no rentals statement is in the deed restrictions.
For LDCA to be involved in above, Atty would look into to see if the 7 parks would give legal standing to pursue both trailers and rentals. If yes, move forward next Spring. Then could go in front of judge. But parks are not in all subdivisions. Then up to the resident in that area.
Roads: Private roads are not funded or maintained by county. 3 ways to fix roads. Mail delivery could be affected
– All neighbors to fix at 100% their cost
– All neighbors to bring up to standard for county to maintain (Culvers, drainage, 16 ft wide) – 51% approval by neighbors to support with bond by township
Can’t count on County for financial support.
Any damage to new road won’t be funded by county since work was completed at that time
Reminder of Aquabounty meeting on Monday, September 12th at the Pioneer High School. Several board members will attend. Williams County pushing back about drainage lines
Jerry proposed future meetings to be held at 9:00 am. Store opens at 8:00 so winter meetings could be held there. Time changed was approved by all board members. We will close the shelter house after the October meeting.
Landscaping is still a mess. There are concerns about tripping and falling. If no changes by end of October, Jim will ask Amboy Twsp about status.
Bill was lower due to acreage decrease. Lily pad spraying was done on 8-23-22.
There is a broken child swing at Chickadee Park. Kevin will remove before someone gets hurt. Look into getting funds to replace next year.
The picnic was cancelled due to weather. Kim Byrne did a fantastic job on the golf outing. Thank you Kim! Wine crawl was successful again.
Kevin talked to friend in Irish Hills area. Weed spraying is done at their lake and billed to all owners equally for the next 7 years on their winter taxes. Need 51% of the approx 330 LD owners to approve. Township has to agree to put on tax bill. Kevin will get petition that they past around in Irish Hills. They used a company called JPM (lake mgmt) located in Kalamazoo to spray weeds there but would come to Lake Diane. More than 1/2 get sprayed so 51% might not be an issue. Cost would be lower for those who are paying now. Annual assoc fee would be decreased.
According to R281.730-11, wake time hours are 10:00 to 6:30, not recognizing DST. This is Twsp ordinance. Chris will adjust website. Boaters are abusing wake time by hours.
Per Drain Commissioner, can’t make board on dam higher without 2/3 vote, petition, $10K deposit for study etc. Was higher in 2017 until someone complained. If water level is below 950, board could be put in.
Suggestion to get map of hazards and shallow water in lake. Several known but not all marked. DNR and diving training team would have to get involved. DNR will not allow more than 2 buoys.
Take steps to add Jerry Agrusa for LDCA Financial information. Make plexiglass board cover for message board. Many letters are getting blown away.
At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell
LDCA Monthly Board Meeting – July 2022
Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Al Vitouis, Trustee
The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:00 am.
The minutes from the 6-11-22 Annual board meeting was read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved as written.
Jim Watt presented the treasurers report. Fireworks and Golf outing payments were made. Funds are down from last year at this time. No complaints about the price increase for spraying. Jerry motioned to approve treasury report as written. Kevin seconded. All approved.
No increase or decrease in members. Stands at 199
The second spraying of weeds was done the week of June 27, 2022. Jim got the invoice for lower than expected. Difference could be they sprayed 30 feet from shoreline instead of 50 feet. Lily pads will be sprayed late August/September for additional cost.
Kevin installed the LD sign at Woodbridge and Territorial. He will look into installing second sign down the street depending on condition of sign.
The quantity of trailers are down, 6 years ago had 33 or 34. Chris and Jerry will take audit of existing trailers on lots. Maybe have attorney Kim Burger send another letter, but $225 per hour! Suggestion made to help neighbors with instructions on what they can do to pursue trailer owners. We can get a head start for letters next year – in April. Last letter from Attorney was June, 2021
There were 2 Rentals stopped by Doug Whittler by EOY. Residents on dame subdivision must pursue, not LDCA. It is a high cost to get legal action by attorney. Jerry to contact Doug to see who he used.
Golf Outing – July 23rd.
Annual Picnic – August 13th
No bounce house. Jerry will order 12 dozen corn (from James & Esther) and 120 hot dogs. All essentials will be in shed. Nancy will put on message board after golf outing message is gone – picnic is open to all LD residents.
We are out of Boaters Safety Books. Jim will ask class instructor if he has any to donate. Cost is $1.99 per book on line. $60,00 can be used from Park budget if necessary. Nancy will write wake hours of 11:00 – 7:30 on ‘Its the Law’ sheet in Welcome Package-if missing.
Chris volunteered to contact Jeff W on View Dr. Maybe take over but could be a cost we don’t have now. Will look into license or working together.
Roads have some bad areas but not completed yet. They are getting worse with heavy trucks on them. Kevin will attend Amboy Township meeting on Wednesday to ask about status update.
Shelter House rentals are open to all owners on LD with no charge. New agreement created to be signed by board member and renter.
There has been reports of boaters abusing no wake hours. Different times (DST vs Standard time) posted on different websites. Kevin will look into sign at public launch. Jerry will inquire with a friend at Merry Lake about wording of their wake hours.
It was agreed at the annual meeting for the Assoc board all to have 3 year terms. If necessary , have formal update on bylaws at next Annual meeting
At 10:29, Jerry made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell, Secretary
LDCA Monthly Board Meeting, April 09, 2022
Lake Diane Community Association – April 9, 2022
Board Members Present:
Vice President -Jerry Agrusa
Jim Watt, Tresurer
Nancy Bell
Al Vitous, via phone
Not Present: Kevin Mack, Kim Byrne
The meeting was called to order at 10:04 by Jerry Agrusa
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jim Watt presented his monthly report and it was accepted as read.
Old Business:
1. Aquatic Life – discussed spraying contract, 2 years ago our cost was $27.500. Increase is about 40%. When a home owner signs the check to make their payment, that serves as permission. No additional signatures are needed. No spraying before June 1″ is our practice.
2. The signs for our lake out on Territorial Road have both come down, is there anyone who wants to repair them?
3. The current calendars have gone out with our annual bills,.
New Business:
1. Our Annual Goose Removal Permit has arrived. We have until April 16th30th to do our nest destruction
1. Jerry moved to change our fiscal year to match the calendar year. This will be on the agenda for our annual meeting.
2. Plans for the fireworks were discussed. The applications are on file with the Township.
At 10:30 Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting, Nancy seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Watt
Public Meeting – AquaBounty Extraction and Discharge
![]() Information about Lake Diane’s Aquifer |
Public Meeting: AquaBounty Receipt of Wastewater Discharge Permit Application (Williams Co.) Monday, September 12, 2022 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM North Central Local High School, Varsity Gymnasium 400 Baubice Street, Pioneer, Ohio 43554 |
Ohio DNR Details : https://epa.ohio.gov/about/media-center/events/public-meeting-aquabounty-NPDES-Application Williams County (OH) Alliance info : https://www.facebook.com/wmscoa/ Background: Lake Diane is part of the Michindoh Aquifer. Being Aquifer spring fed, our lake ecology and health is directly dependent upon groundwater for sustainability. Please be sure to share your voice regarding the extraction of millions of gallons of water from our ecosystem for salmon farming. |
This information is being brought to you by LDCA but is not in the jurisdiction of LDCA.
Note about recent letters left with some neighbors
Lake Diane Community Residents;
Good Day:
It has come to the attention of the Lake Diane Community Association Board that a notice is circulating regarding rental properties on the lake.
First let me state that the notice is not being circulated in mail boxes by the LDCA Board. We, along with all members present at the annual meeting, were provided the information this past June, but have not reviewed, nor had discussions on the information as a board.
Secondly, any notifications to lake residents for information such as this would be direct mailed to all Lake Diane residents.
Finally, each property has specific deed restrictions for your individual property. We find that most deed restrictions do contain specific language regarding trailer and commercial or rental properties. We suggest that you review your property’s specific deed restrictions to ensure that you are in compliance.
We hope this clears any mis-understanding.
Warm Regards
Jerry Agrusa
LDCA Board President
LDCA Monthly Board Meeting, November 13, 2021
Monthly Board Meeting
November 13, 2021
Roger Giallorati, President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Jerry Agrusa
Nancy Bell (via telephone)
Al Vitous
The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10am.
The minutes from the September 11, 2021 meeting were read. The minutes were approved as written.
Jim presented the Treasurer’s report. The report was approved as written.
To date there are 204 members.
Roger has contacted two alternate companies to acquire bids for weed treatment. One company was an increase over Clarke Aquatic and the other has not yet responded.
Stone was put down at the shelter house shoreline. All other work is on hold. The survey was not done at the Delta Drive park.
Nothing new to report.
Nothing new to report.
Nothing new to report.
The road project is underway! One layer of asphalt is nearly complete. Second layer to follow in the spring of 2022.
Kevin has contacted the DEQ regarding the near closure of the bay at View and Dale Drives. They have yet to return Kevin’s call.
Nothing new to report.
At 11:09 Roger made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne, Secretary
LDCA Monthly Board Meeting, September 11, 2021
Monthly Board Meeting
September11, 2021
Roger Giallorati, President
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Jerry Agrusa
Nancy Bell
Jim Watt
Al Vitous
The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10am.
The minutes from the August 14, 2021 meeting were read. The minutes were approved as written.
Roger presented the Treasurer’s report. The report was approved as written.
There is a question regarding the amount of the bill from Clarke Aquatic. There has been a substantial increase over last year’s cost. Jim and Roger will follow up for clarification.
To date there are 204 members.
Lily pads were treated by Clarke Aquatic August 2nd.
There was discussion about gathering estimates from other lake weed treatment companies. Roger will follow up.
The play structure at Chickadee Park has been restained.
After next month’s meeting, the shelter house will be winterized.
Duane Reemer will provide an estimate for the excavation of the pickleball court(s). Kevin and Terry will coordinate scheduling with JoEllen Wright.
The survey for Woodbridge Rd. Park has been done. The survey shows encroachment by both neighbors. This is a real liability issue for the association. Roger is working on letters to send to all property owners encroaching on the parks owned by LDCA. Ms. Burger will review prior to mailing.
After todays meeting, Roger will survey non-compliant camper trailers. Ms. Burger is ready to schedule court dates for said camper trailer owners.
There was consideration given to the furture of the annual picnic.
Nancy Bell has done a great job gathering information for the Welcome Packets. Packets will be given to new property owners of Lake Diane.
There is no update on the road project.
There continues to be issue with non-lake fishermen utilizing the road ends of Pointe Dr. and East Diane Drive. Approximately six years ago, HCRC proposed abandonment the road ends at East Diane and Pointe Drives. In order to proceed the neighbors were consulted. Not all neighbors are in favor, so the proposal was scrapped.
Kevin brought attention to the bay at View and Dale Drives that has a history of filling in due to property owners making beaches with filling sand. In 1965 the mouth of the bay was 65’ wide. Last week Rick’s Rockwall built a rock wall and backfilled the mouth of the bay with sand. It is now roughly 15’ wide, and the water is only knee deep. Approximately three years ago, the property owners of that bay paid to have the bay dredged. All of the work and money is now a waste. The DEQ will be referred to for inspection, then advisement.
At 11:20 Roger made a motion to adjourn. Kevin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne, Secretary