LDCA Monthly Board Meeting September 12, 2020

Lake Diane Community Association

Monthly Board Meeting

September 12, 2020



Roger Giallorati, President

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack

Jerry Agrusa

Scott Hercula


Jim Watt

Scott Coakley


The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati @ 10:07am.

The minutes from the August 7, 2020 meeting were read.  The minutes were approved as written.


Roger presented the treasurer’s report. The report was approved.


To date there are 196 members.


Lily pads were treated.  The product used is safe as approved by the EPA.  There were twenty-one 40’X40’ areas treated.  Michigan Lake & Stream has notified it’s members that there is a new INVASIVE lily pad called “European Frog Bit”.

PARKS:  Dave Hintz has reduced his charge for 2020 as he did not begin cutting the parks as early this year as years passed.

The volleyball net is in disrepair.

Terry Rupp presented opposition to LDCA owning all parks with the exception of Lake Diane Number One Park Private Part of Outlot A (the shelter house park) and Chickadee Park.  Roger made the case that as the parks are improved they will be of use by Lake Diane property owners.  The issue will be discussed further at the 2021 annual meeting.  

Terry contributed $220 to the shoreline fund.  The funds were received as winnings from the 50/50 drawing at the annual wine crawl.


Nothing new to report.


The process of verifying signatures for the improvement of East Diane and its adjoining roads has begun.  Florida Lane will be included in the project.  Eighty-six percent of the residents have signed, approving of the project.

The trailer remains on the vacant lot on Sue Lynn Circle.  Roger has been in communication with the complainant and the property owner.  He plans to send a friendly reminder that camping trailers are prohibited.


Nothing new to report.


At 11:07 Roger made a motion that the meeting adjourn.  Jerry seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted:


Kim Byrne



LDCA Monthly Board Meeting July 11, 2020

Lake Diane Community Association

Monthly Board Meeting

July 11, 2020



Roger Giallorati, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack 

Jerry Agrusa

Scott Hercula

The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:04am.

The minutes from the June 13, 2020 Annual Meeting and Board Of Directors meetings were read.  The minutes were approved as written.


Jim Watt presented the Treasurers report.  The report was approved as written.


To date there are 196 members.


The dredger has hired a sub-contractor to perform final excavation.  All work is complete, and the dredgers equipment has been removed.

There is currently no water spilling over the dam.

Roger has been in contact with Clarke Aquatic to schedule lily pad treatment.

Roger shared a report he received from Arda Boucher titled “Michigan Hybrid Watermilfoil Project”.  It is a report which maps out locations of milfoil located in Lake Diane.



A dock has been installed on the shore of the park located on Woodbridge Rd..  Kevin and Terry Rupp will speak to the responsible party regarding removal.  It is not only a liability issue for LDCA, but also an exclusivity issue.

The DNR now mandates that use of the public access will require a State Park Pass to launch watercraft.

Terry Rupp reported that he has not heard back from HCRC regarding the installation of limestone at the launch located at the shelter house.

The cost to survey each park will be $600.  This is above the budgeted cost.  Roger made a motion that the board approve an additional $600 to perform surveys.  Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.

The “No Swimming Or Fishing/Parks Close At Dusk” signs have been ordered.

The Delta Drive park needs to be cleaned up.  Terry Rupp has volunteered to coordinate.


After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the remaining LDCA sponsored events be cancelled to the the fluidity of the Covid-19 situation.  It is with regret that these steps are necessary.


Kevin discussed the importance of attendance at upcoming Amboy Township Meetings to promotion of a dock ordinance.  With the current plans of development at French Quarter there is a concern that “key holing” could become an issue.  Amboy Township meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month.  Members of the board will plan to attend to encourage effort to prevent any possible adverse impact.

At 11:18 Roger made a motion to adjourn.  Jerry seconded the motion.  A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne, Secretary

LDCA Monthly Board Meeting May 9, 2020

Lake Diane Community Association
Monthly Board Meeting
May 9, 2020

Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Jerry Agrusa
Rod Anderson

The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:10am.
The minutes from the March 14, 2020 meeting were presented by Kim Byrne. The minutes were approved as written.
The treasurers report was presented by Treasurer, Jim Watt. The report was approved as written. Jim reported that the Quickbooks software updates are unavailable. New software will need to be purchased.
New Member Activity: To date there are 190 members.
Aquatic Life:
There were 17 eggs collected for the goose egg collection and nest destruction program. Collection was down due to restrictions placed by the governor due to covid. Lake weeds will be treated the week of June 9, 2020.
The sign at the corner of Easy St. and Territorial Rd. was destroyed due to weather. Scott and Kevin will check it out.
Terry Rupp mowed the park on Monte Carlo Dr. Rick Willard claims that the mulch from the dredging project near Jody Yoder is drifting into the water. Jody Yoder has previously requested that the spoils from said dredging project be spread on the nearest Lake Diane park. Permission has previously been granted by the LDCA board of director’s.
Two loads of limestone need to be delivered at the boat launch near the shelter house. Terry Rupp is checking with the county see if they will deliver them.
Calendar Of Events:
Boater’s Safety – cancelled due to covid
Annual Meeting – June 13th (meeting to be held outside of the shelter house due to covid restrictions)
Garage Sales – June 20th
Golf Outing – July 25th
Annual Picnic – scheduled for August 8th
Dredging: Scott Coakley is applying pressure to the dredger to finalize the project and remove their equipment.
Old Business:
Three trustee positions are available; Scott Coakley, Rod Anderson, Kim Byrne
New Business:
Amboy township has received a complaint from a resident on Harmon Rd. concerning the use of fireworks on the weekends at Lake Diane. Brad Smith has contacted Roger, and asked him to please relay the information to the board for discussion.
There is a need to discuss a dock ordinance with Amboy township.
At 11:14 Kim made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne, Secretary

LDCA Annual Meeting 2020

Lake Diane Community Association
Annual Meeting
June 13, 2020

Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Jerry Agrusa
Rod Anderson

The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:11am.
The floor was opened for nominees for LDCA Board of Directors Trustees with three positions available.
Nominees were: Kim Byrne, Paul Dance, Scott Hercula, and Scott Coakley. Jim Watt made a motion that nominations be closed. Rod Anderson seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. Upon closing of nominations, Paul Dance withdrew. Elected by unanimous consent were nominees Kim Byrne, Scott Hercula and Scott Coakley.
Jim Watt presented the Treasurers report. The report was approved as written.
The Proposed Budget for 2020-2021 Fiscal Year was presented. Kim Byrne made a motion that the (attached) proposed budget be approved. Jerry Agrusa seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.
The minutes from the May 9, 2020 meeting were presented by Kim Byrne. The minutes were approved as written.
To date there are 196 members.
Jim and Roger collected goose eggs for the goose egg collection and nest destruction program. There were 17 eggs collected. Collection was down due to restrictions placed by the governor due to covid.
Lake weeds were treated the week of June 9, 2020. Clarke Aquatic will be returning to address some areas.
Al Vitous requested that the “NO WAKE” buoy be placed further out from the channel leading into Chickadee Cove. Kevin responded that the placement of the buoy must be approved by the HCSD.
Arda Boucher presented information regarding the wakes for watercraft users.
Water testing has not been done this year due to the state budget. Roger reported that the budget was recently passed, and is approved for five years.
The dredging is complete in the cove behind Shoreside Plaza. The spoils need final excavation. Scott reported that his estimate to dredge all “trouble areas” is $350,000. Areas will need to be prioritized by need. It was also noted that all areas which touch the dredging area are required to have a signature of permission by the property owner. Raising the dam level by three inches has been discussed. HCDC attorney indicates that this is a “significant” increase. New plans must be drafted for submission and approval.
There is a need to survey Riviera Park and Outlot A Park. Terry Rupp volunteered to contact Lodzinski & Associates for the job
Two loads of limestone need to be delivered at the boat launch near the shelter house. Terry Rupp is checking with the county see if they will deliver them.
There continues to be a problem with “John Q Public” using the parks for picnics, swimming and even camping. The parks are specifically for the use of Lake Diane property owners. Additional signs will need to be ordered for placement.
JoEllen Wright was thanked for her donation to the parks with the proceeds from the wine crawl held each Labor Day weekend.
Garage Sales – June 20th
Golf Outing – July 25th
Annual Picnic – scheduled for August 8 with more details to follow
Kevin discussed the importance of attendance at upcoming Amboy Township Meetings to discuss developing a dock ordinance. With the current plans of development at French Quarter there is a concern that “key holing” could become an issue.
At 11:20 Roger made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne, Secretary

LDCA Board Of Directors Meeting June 13, 2020

JUNE 13, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 11:32. The purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the Lake Diane Community Associates Board of Directors.
Roger Giallorati was nominated by Jim Watt. Roger accepted the nomination. Scott Coakley seconded the nomination. A vote was taken, and Roger was elected unanimously.
Vice President:
Scott Coakley was nominated by Jerry Agrusa. Scott accepted the nomination. Jim Watt seconded the nomination. A vote was taken, and Scott was elected unanimously.
Jim Watt was nominated by Kim Byrne. Jim accepted the nomination. Jerry Agrusa seconded the nomination. A vote was taken, and Jim was elected unanimously.
Kim Byrne was nominated by Jerry Agrusa. Kim accepted the nomination. Scott Coakley seconded the nomination. A vote was taken, and Kim was elected unanimously.
At 11:35 Kim Byrne made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Roger Giallorati seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne

LDCA Monthly Board Meeting January 11, 2020

Monthly Board Meeting
January 11, 2020

Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer (absent)
Kim Byrne, Secretary (by phone)
Rod Anderson
Jerry Agrusa
Kevin Mack

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:00AM.

Minutes from the November 16, 2019 meeting were presented by Roger Giallorati. The minutes were approved as written.

Roger Giallorati presented the Treasurers Report. There is still some confusion with Porta-Potty bill ongoing. Tax information has been sent to preparers. The report was approved as written.


Karyle Horton has been in contact with the Attorney of HCDC. She has reported there will be a hearing scheduled to approve the level of the Lake to be increased. Question still remains why we need to have hearings to adjust level when it is written in original deeds. Karyle will inform us when the hearing is scheduled.


Jim (via Treasurers report) reported that the membership drive has maintained status quo. To date there are 177 members. Roger has written an Annual Letter to help increase membership to be mailed with bills. Draft has been sent out to all for approval. Several modifications have been suggested – GOA goes away with ownership will be added to letter.


Clarke Aquatic had experienced a delay in treatment of the lily pads due to a change in state law. They missed treating the Lily Pads this year. We need to stay on top of Clarke Aquatic next year.


Dredging is in progress. Moving very slow – now due to weather. He has a dump truck sitting on site to move dirt from area by the store. Still needs to dredge by Jim’s lots. To dredge more of the Lake in the future we will need to raise a lot more money. Needs to be on the Agenda for the Annual Meeting.


Terry Rupp has found stakes on park lot in Monte Carlo. Still need to discuss surveying the parks at the Annual Meeting to add money to the budget. We need to further discuss maintaining grass mowing on all Parks.


To date, the 2020 events schedule is as follows:

June 6, 2020 – Boaters Safety Course
June 13, 2020 – Annual Meeting
June 20, 2020 – Lake Wide Garage Sales
July 4, 2020 – Fireworks (Rain date, July 5th, 2020)
July 25, 2020 – Golf Outing
August 8, 2020 – Annual Picnic


Need to discuss gaming at the Annual Meeting. Roger reported on the adopted Resolution for Golf Carts passed by Amboy Township (October 2019). Stickers are still required, but DEQ still holds laws.


No meeting scheduled for February 2020.


At 10:45am Roger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jerry seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Roger Giallorati

LDCA Monthly Board Meeting November 16, 2019

Monthly Board Meeting
November 16, 2019

Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary (absent)
Rod Anderson
Jerry Agrusa
Kevin Mack

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:00AM.

Minutes from the September 14, 2019 meeting were presented by Roger Giallorati. The minutes were approved as written. Additionally, the final meeting minutes from LDPOA closure meeting were read from September 14, 2019.

Jim Watt presented the Treasurers Report. Jim reported there is some confusion with Porta-Potty bill. Discussion on Fireworks ensued, Scott Coakley reported CAMTOR is the company that was hired. Scott explained the Fireworks will take place on July 4th with the rain date being July 5th. The report was approved as written.


Roger reported there is no new Legal issues ongoing. The Park Deeds are filed and provided copies. Karyle is working on meeting with the Attorney of HCDC, but Roger did not believe she was following up. Jerry Agrusa mentioned he will contact other Lake Associations to ask about their Attorneys for contacting. It was the widely agreed we need to move to new legal representation.

Roger reported we have the permission to collect Goose Eggs through Amboy Township for the next 5 years.


Jim reported that the membership drive has maintained status quo. To date there are 177 members. Roger will put together Annual Letter to help increase membership. He will send out draft shortly for everyone’s input.


There is no update on the progress of the raising of the level of the lake by 3”. Karlye Horton has indicated through written correspondence she will be in contact with the HCDC.

Clarke Aquatic had experienced a delay in treatment of the lily pads due to a change in state law. They missed treating the Lily Pads this year.


Dredging is in progress. Moving very slow – now due to weather. We are receiving great value for the work being performed, but we are at the dredger’s mercy on the timing. To dredge more of the Lake in the future we will need to raise a lot more money. Needs to be on the Agenda for the Annual Meeting


Joellen has added more equipment at the Shelter House. Terry Rupp reported on his latest plans for adding some larger rocks next year – will need $1,000. Terry Rupp brought up the idea of surveying all the lots, we will add to Annual Meeting agenda. Should costs around $1,000.
We need to further discuss maintaining grass mowing on all Parks.


To date, the 2020 events schedule is as follows:

June 6, 2020 – Boater’s Safety Course
June 13, 2020 – Annual Meeting
June 20, 2020 – Lake Wide Garage Sales
July 4, 2020 – Fireworks (Rain date, July 5th, 2020)
July 25, 2020 – Golf Outing
August 8, 2020 – Annual Picnic

The only date in question is Boater’s Safety. Toys for Tots was done at the Pizza Party at the Rupp’s.

Roger to contact Jeff Wenslick to add Calendar of Events to Website.


Karlye Horton believes LDCA would qualify to receive gaming permits through the state. Roger turned the forms over to Kim for submission to the gaming commission. Kim told Roger we need a resolution from Amboy Township. This needs to be discussed again at the next meeting. Roger reported on the adopted Resolution for Golf Carts passed by Amboy Township (October 2019). We need more information as to whether we need stickers in 2020. Jerry will talk to Brad and Jim and Roger will ask at the next Amboy Township meeting.


No meeting scheduled for December 2019 or February 2020.


At 10:48am Roger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Roger Giallorati

LDCA Monthly Board Meeting, September 14, 2019

Monthly Board Meeting
September 14, 2019

Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Rod Anderson
Jerry Agrusa
Kevin Mack

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:00AM.

Minutes from the August 10, 2019 meeting were presented by Kim Byrne. The minutes were approved as written.

Jim Watt presented the Treasurers Report. The report was approved as written.


Jim reported that the membership drive has maintained status quo. To date there are 177 members.


There is no update on the progress of the raising of the level of the lake by 3”. Karlye Horton has indicated through written correspondence she will be in contact with the HCDC. Raising the level of the lake will have a positive impact on the dredging projections. There is currently one inch of water flowing over the dam.

Clarke Aquatic has experienced a delay in treatment of the lily pads due to a change in state law. They anticipate treatment to be 9/25/2019.

The buoys and “No Wake” signs will be left in for the winter season. They will be lighted with a solar light.

Kevin indicated that the weevils previously stocked in Lake Diane continue to help reduce the milfoil growth. He encourages lake residents to leave approximately one foot of grass/weed growth at the shoreline where possible.

The goose egg roundup resolution has been approved by Amboy Township with a vote of 5-0. The resolution is in affect through 2024.

Water testing continues thanks to Arda Boucher and Bill Smith. Reports indicate that the condition of the water is improving.


Dredging is in progress.


The deeds to the parks are currently in the hands of John Lovinger. Brad Smith has signed them. They will be recorded, then mailed to LDCA.


To date, the 2020 events schedule is as follows:

June 13, 2020 – Annual Meeting
June 20, 2020 – Lakewide Garage Sales
July 4, 2020 – Fireworks (Rain date, July 5th, 2020)
July 25, 2020 – Golf Outing
August 8, 2020 – Annual Picnic

The only date in question is Boater’s Safety

The Lake Diane Annual Fireworks will be endorsed by Lake Diane Community Association for Independence Day, 2020. Scott Coakley has volunteered to chair and organize the event. Scott has extensive history with coordination of the Lake Diane fireworks. To date, there are many experienced volunteers ready to promote the event to lake residents (only) and collect donations door to door.


A meeting of the board members will take place today after the regular monthly board meeting to formally dissolve LDPOA.

There was discussion about the use and protection of the name “Lake Diane” in regards to social media. “Lake Diane” is not a protected name, and is available for use in social media.

Karlye Horton believes LDCA would qualify to receive gaming permits through the state. Roger turned the forms over to Kim for submission to the gaming commission.

The dredging of North Bay View Drive will begin Monday. The spoils will be placed on Trudy and Jody Yoder’s property. There is a huge concern over the loads of sand that have been placed in the mouth of the bay by property owners.


Don Fletcher was in attendance to discuss his findings regarding the abandonment of Uphill Drive by the HCRC August 20, 1998. He presented county resolution #98-11 to the board for filing.

At 10:57am Roger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne