August 2024 Monthly Board Minutes



August 17, 2024


Jim Watt, President

Al Vitous, Vice President 

Jerry Agrusa, Treasurer 

Scott Coakley, Trustee 

Kevin Mack, Trustee 

Chris Sellers, Trustee


Nancy Bell

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by President, Jim Watt at the shelter house.  The minutes from the July meeting were not read.  It was agreed this will be done at the September 14th meeting.


Jerry Agrusa read the Treasury Report. Al Vitous approved the report as written, Jim Watt seconded. All in favor and the Treasury report was approved by all.


No new members 



Solitude will spray the week of August 26th for Lilley pads.  New spraying regulations are in effect for Michigan. Treatment can no longer spray 40% of existing weeds.  Mike from Solitude will come to October’s meeting to discuss whole lake management.


The pickleball court now has a fence to prevent balls going outside the court area. 


Reverse Lake Diane Wine Crawl – August 31st *

Poker Run – September 1st *

Trunk or Treat – October 25th *

Music Jam – 3rd Friday in June-September *

*LDCA – non-sponsored events


A couple more rentals have received notices that rentals are against deed restrictions.  Three more have agreed to discontinue that business.  No one resisted so no judgement was needed. One short term rental house is up for sale.  Others will be or have been notified to stop renting.  Potentially we will address a couple rentals at a time and should be done by Spring next year.


Owners were told to take trailers off the lake by a judge’s decree and are in violation of a court order.  Trailers will be the next issue the board will address.


There was discussion about mapping the lake with problem areas.  The spray company said they could do it for an unknown fee.

A copy of the Welcome Package was given to Doug Whittler to spruce up and make it more attractive to new owners.

Next meeting will be on September 14th at 9:00.  At 11:15, Kevin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jerry seconded the motion. All agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Read by Nancy Bell

July 2024 Monthly Board Minutes



July 13, 2024


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary 

Kevin Mack

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house.  The minutes from the May 11th 2024 monthly board meeting was read by Nancy Bell. A motion was made by Jim Watt to approve adjusted minutes, seconded by Chris Sellers. All in favor and the minutes were approved. 


Jim Watt read the first Treasury Report of this fiscal year. Scott Coakley approved the report as written, Al Vitous seconded. All in favor, and the Treasury report was approved by all.


There have been several new members that joined the association.  Final number TBD.



Clarke Waterlife sprayed the lake for weeds on June 17th. The public launch was included in the spray since it was bad. Kill rate was very good – much better than last year.  Six areas need to be resprayed or a new spray after the 2 weeks waiting process. Dead weeds on shoreline will float and should be cleaned up by owners. Proposed budget went from $513-$590 per acre next year.  268 lots were sprayed which is 60% of the lots.  Assoc plans to move forward to look into SAD (Special Assessment District) to get lake sprayed.  Township would collect the funds and write the check with LDCA being the contact person to interact between the owners,  weed spray company and Twsp. Jerry Agrusa made motion to have Solitude do an Aquatic Vegetation Survey and Water Quality Testing on Lake Diane for $3,000. Jim Watt seconded. A vote was taken and all are in favor.


Kevin and others spent four hours striping the pickle ball court. Unfortunately, high winds and rain took it off. Then he spent another three hours grinding the surface.  Friends of Lake Diane voted to pay part of the cost of the net at their previous meeting that Jerry Agrusa attended.  Kevin has a 4 ft snow fence and stakes for the court.


Golf Outing – July 27th *

Reverse Raffle – August 3rd *

Family Picnic at the Shelter House – August 10th

Lake Diane Wine Crawl – August 31st *

Poker Run – September 1st *

Trunk or Treat – October 25th *

Music Jam – 3rd Friday in June-September *

*LDCA – non-sponsored events


Per attorney of a Lake Diane resident, association has clear title of parks and standing to be part of a legal action to enforce deed restrictions to prevent short term rentals.  The following motion was made:

‘Lake Diane Community Association in conjunction with Chris and Michelle Sellers join efforts to pursue potential legal action of short term rentals in deed restrictions of Lake Diane Southern 2 LLC in accordance with Michigan Court of Appeals Ruling 354841 as it pertains to Deed restrictions in Lake Diane which forbid commercial activity.’

Jerry Agrusa made the motion seconded by Jim Watt.  A vote was taken with 6/0/1 with all in favor:

A second motion was made;

‘To utilize the services of Levinger & Thompson in pursuit of short term rentals at Lake Diane 1, Section 2 in reference to Michigan Court of Appeals docket 354841’

All in favor and the motion was passed


A change of board members was voted and effective today:

Jim Watt – President   Nominated by Chris Sellers/seconded by Kevin Mack

Jerry Agrusa – Treasurer   Nominated by Jim Watt/seconded by Chris Sellers

Scott Coakley – Trustee  

Al Vitous – VP   Nominated by Jerry Agrusa

Positions were accepted – votes were taken and all agreed.  No change of other board members for Nancy Bell, Kevin Mack and Chris Sellers.

Jerry will talk to Friends to see if they will pick up Toys for Tots since it is a community 

Asking for volunteers to set up for picnic on Friday, August 9th, at 4:00.  Jerry will get corn, porta potty and food for picnic.  We will advertise picnic in several places about games and dish to pass. There won’t be any kids games because of the low turnout.  

Next meeting will be on August 17th at 9:00.  At 11:00, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kevin Mack seconded the motion. All agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell

2023 LDCA Annual meeting minutes



June 10, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 



The meeting was called to order at 10:00 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited .  

The minutes from of the June, 2022 annual board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved by Scott Coakley as written-seconded Jerry Agrusa.  All approved.


Jim Watt presented the Treasury Report.  The report was approved as written by Rod Anderson.The proposed Budget for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year was presented. A new laptop for $500 was added to replace existing Association laptop that was purchased used years ago and is not working anymore.  There was also an increase in insurance for the fireworks.  The budget was approved by Kathy Christ and seconded by Scott Coakley.  A vote was taken and the budget was approved unanimously.  


Jerry Agrusa and Jim Watt’s 3 year terms ended.  The floor was open for nomination for the  LDCA board.  No one volunteered so the nominations were closed.  No election was done  and Jerry and Jim both agreed to stay on the board for another 3 years.  

Board members are:

Jerry Agrusa – term ends 2026

Scott Coakley – term ends 2025

Jim Watt – term ends 2026

Nancy Bell – term ends 2024

Kevin Mack – term ends 2024

Chris Sellers – term ends 2025

Al Vitous – term ends 2024

Jim Watt approved and Scott Coakley seconded.  All approved.



There are 7 trailers on the lake.  This is down from 33 that was on lake before. Many got letters years ago from attorney, Kim Burger, and could be in contempt of court.  Property owners would have to pursue with attorney.  Association would back them up.  This is hard to enforce if only there on a weekend.  

French Quarters has 72 lots with some trailers and everyone is not obeying deed restrictions. Kevin contacted the Health Dept and was informed porta pottys are legal if maintained and dumped properly by licensed pumping company.


A new attorney, Cliff Bloom, is replacing Kim Burger.  Besides trailers, he will be contacted about private business, deed restrictions and rentals on lake.  Per legal advice about 1 1/2 years ago, to change deed restrictions, you need 51% of all 7 subdivisions.


Besides general maintenance, there were boring bees at the Chicadee park.  Kevin blocked holes made by them and now they are gone.



The weeds were sprayed on June 1st.  Existing company prices went up.  Jerry contacted other companies and they will submit bid for next year.  Spray amount is based on amount of acres, which went up $65 in one year per acre plus $1600 permit.  All paid members could be sprayed.  The deadline to pay in 2023 was May 20. People contacted Jim Watt much after this date to see if they could get sprayed. Unfortunately it was too late for the several steps that are required to be put on the list of the spray company.  Spray signs were different colors, no reason why.

The Goose egg hunt collected 36 eggs in 6 nests. This is the largest amount collected for years. We notified members they could volunteer next year. No longer can we do a Roundup, only nest destruction.   

Aquabounty paused operations for now looking for additional funds.   LDCA drafted and mailed a Resolution to oppose fish farm development to DNR.    We are now on record.


Fireworks are July 1st, rain date July 2nd

Golf Cart Parade will be on July 3rd Noon. 

Golf Outing – At Suburban on July 22nd by Kim Byrne

Family Picnic – August 12th. All invited. A sheet was passed looking for volunteers to help.

At 10:57, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Al and Scott seconded the motion.  All agreed and the annual meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell

May 2024 Monthly Board Minutes

May 18, 2024

Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Al Vitous, Trustee


The meeting was called to order at 9:10 by President, Jerry Agrusa at TTT. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The minutes from April 13, 2024 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. With a couple of minor changes, a motion was made by Jim Watt to approve adjusted minutes, seconded by Scott Coakley. All in favor and the minutes were approved.

Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. There was a partial payment from a delinquent payer of the association dues. More surveys came in during the past month. Looks like top of the list is water quality and illegal rentals. The results will be shared at the Lake Diane annual meeting in June. The treasury report was accepted by Al Vitous and seconded by Scott Coakley. All in favor.

Two new members have joined the Association bringing the total to 205.

Eight claims pursuant to Michigan Marketable Deed Restriction Act were filled at the Hillsdale County Deeds office in Hillsdale. Jerry filed an umbrella claim in behalf of the association and will keep the paperwork in his files. Cost per filing is $30.00. Bill 721 deadline has been extended to September 25th, 2025. At the June meeting, we will explain and hand out forms to have owners fill out since more claims help the lake.

The next annual meeting will be held at 10 o’clock on June 8th at the shelter house. Three people are up for election. They are Nancy Bell, Al Vitous, and Kevin Mack. Other officers terms end:
Scott Coakley and Chris Sellers – end 2025
Jerry Agrusa and Jim Watt – end 2026
Jerry signed the contract for the spraying of the weeds. Target date is the second week of June – asking for it to be done the beginning of the week. Aquabounty is a dead deal but a new business could replace it. Pond draining is done for now. 27 goose eggs were collected. The Assoc is looking for volunteers to take a goose round up class for next year

There wasn’t any responses after 15 calls regarding the dirt at the Pickleball court. There are funds in the park budget to get some dirt. This is needed for safety reasons. Bees have been spotted in park equipment at Chickadee Park. They were sprayed by professionals and paid by a resident. He will be reimbursed from LDCA association funds.

Boaters Safety Class – June 1st – Register on line – location at LakeView UB Church
LDCA Annual meeting – June 8th
Garage Sale – June 16th
Golf Cart Parade/Rally – July 6th 11:30 registration at Shelter House *
Fireworks – July 6th (Rain Date July 7th) *
Poker Run – July 7th *
Golf Outing – TBD *
Reverse Raffle – August 3rd *
Family Picnic at the Shelter House – August 10th
Lake Diane Wine Crawl – August 31st *
Poker Run – September 1st *
Trunk or Treat – October 25th *
Music Jam – 3rd Friday in June-September *
*LDCA – non-sponsored events

Many Airbnb/rentals are around Lake Diane. Some are listed as owned by LLC business. Past renters have shot guns on the lake and don’t follow Lake rules. A concerned resident of Lake Diane stopped two and wants to pursue others. Letters have been sent with no response to come to an agreement. Neighbors can communicate with owner of rentals in their subdivision reminding them rentals are against deed restrictions and telling them to stop. If a lawyer gets involved, they send out letters giving them 10 days to respond. If ignored, it would go to court and they could pay legal fees. They are not following deed restrictions and believe Judge will rule in lakes favor with a Summary of Disposition. This will also be put on the LDCA website that rentals are not allowed.
The wake boat ordinance probably won’t get approved this year being an election year.
The Deed Restrictions Marketable Act will be discussed at the June annual meeting. Blank paperwork will be distributed to owners.
Fireworks collection starts Memorial Day weekend.
A resident has asked about installing a library house in Chickadee Park for all to use. This was approved by the board.
Chris proposed new sign holders to advertise events to go around several high traffic areas of the Lake.

At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kevin Mack seconded the motion. All agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell5-18-24 meeting minutes .pages

March 2024 Monthly Board Minutes



March 9, 2024


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee  – via phone


Kevin Mack

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by President, Jerry Agrusa at TTT.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The next meeting will be held in April at the restaurant. 

The minutes from the December 12, 2023 monthly board meeting was read by Nancy Bell.  The minutes were approved by Jerry Agrusa – seconded by Scott Coakley.  All in favor.


Jim Watt read the Treasury Report.  The income from the CD started. The treasury report was accepted by Jerry Agrusa and seconded by Al Vitous.   All in favor.

Several LDCA members are past due paying Association dues.  Letters were sent to them reminding them to pay.   A payment was received.  Next step could be a lien on the property, and/or small claims court if not paid by May.  Jim received the proposed park tax bill.  Valuation went up but no dollar increase.  


There wasn’t any change in Membership.


A notice that could extinguish deed restrictions on lakes was received by attorney. A form will be put on the Lake Diane website that needs to be signed to keep it current.  This would prevent a free-for-all going next door to home owners at Lake Diane.  Jerry will call Bambi to get more details.



The Assoc has not received a weed spraying quote from Clarke yet but expect higher rates than last year. Very little ice on lake so more weeds anticipated. Water level is up.  Next discharge will be April/May at a slower rate.   

Geese are moving and just starting to nest. It is earlier this year due to warmer weather.  As of today, Jerry has not received the goose egg permit.  Plans are to collect eggs 2nd and 4th week in April.  There were  as many as 150-200 geese on the lake last summer. Now down to maybe 50.  Volunteers are needed!  The 2024 LDCA Newsletter will tell owners to notify board if they see a nest.  Five people are certified to collect eggs.  Chris will put the collection of goose egg destruction video on the website encouraging people to watch and join the collection of eggs.


Dirt is needed around the pickleball court.


The below will be listed on the 2024 Newsletter:

Goose Egg roundup – April 13 & 27

Boaters Safety Class – June 1st Register at 8:30 am at LakeView UB Church 

LDCA Annual meeting – June 8th

Garage Sale – June 16th

Golf Cart Parade/Rally – July 6th 11:00 registration at Shelter House *

Fireworks  – July 6th (Rain Date July 7th) *

Poker Run – July 7th *

Golf Outing – TBD *

Reverse Raffle – August 3rd *

Family Picnic at the Shelter House – August 10th

Lake Diane Wine Crawl – August 31st *

Poker Run – September 1st *

Trunk or Treat – October 25th *

Music Jam – 3rd Friday in June-September *

*LDCA – non-sponsored events


The finalized 2024 Newsletter and survey will be printed. Flyers adverting the Golf Cart Rally/Parade and Family Picnic will be distributed when collecting funds for fireworks instead of adding with Assoc mailing.  Jim will print 350 copies of each.


There is a new wakeboard act bill 5532 going through approval process. Boats would have to be 500 feet from shore and water must be at least 20 feet deep.  There wouldn’t be any significant areas in Lake Diane that wake boards could legally operate if this new act if passed. 

Discussed was the State might remove 5% annual cap on lake front property taxes.  Long time owners would see the biggest increase.

Chris brought up on line payments, for example, to pay dues. Scott said going door-to-door gets better response for donations.  Older generation probably won’t accept so idea put aside since now is not the time

At 10:31, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chris Sellers seconded the motion. All agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell

December 2023 Board Minutes


December 9, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee – via phone



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by President, Jerry Agrusa at TTT. The Pledge of

Allegiance was recited. The next meeting will be held on 1-13-24. No meeting will be

scheduled in February.

The minutes from the November 11th monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The

minutes were approved by Jerry Agrusa – seconded by Jim Watt. The minutes were approved

by all as written.


Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. There wasn’t any income that came in since the last

meeting but interest from the CD will start soon. The treasury report was accepted by Jerry

Agrusa and seconded by Chris Sellers. All in favor.

Several LDCA members are past due paying Association dues. These members signed the

GOA, Grant of Authority, voluntarily joining the association. A letter will be sent to them with a

copy of their GOA asking them to pay. The late payment fee will be rescinded if paid by

February deadline date. The annual association invoices will be mailed in March, due in May.


There wasn’t any change in Membership.



Jerry Agrusa received a box from the prior attorney, Kim Burger. He went through the box but

could not find what he was looking for.

Chris Sellers will add a pdf blank copy of theGOA to the website.AQUATIC LIFE:

Most geese are gone but stayed longer due to climate change. A board member heard that

Merry Lake has more geese than Lake Diane. Jerry contacted DNR to get people trained for

goose round up in 2024. There is a video on the website for people to look at. The permit is

only valid for a short time in April so will ask for volunteers on the 2024 Newsletter mailing. We

only need one qualified trained person per team. In the past, geese were herded instead of

eggs being collected. It was costly and not sure if this process is still available. Swans are still

here but one is missing.


Dirt is needed for the pickle ball court. Chris volunteer to get stone to stop the water flow on

one side of the court. Park budget has little funds that might cover cost. Kevin will look into a

net and fence for the court. The shelter house will be closed shortly after this meeting.


There were 10 Welcome Packages delivered to new home owners in 2023. Four homes are for

sale on the lake.


No activities left in 2023


A copy of a judge ruling was obtained to forbid trailers on lake lots.


A final draft was approved for the 2024 priorities survey and request for volunteers to be sent

with LDCA annual invoice. Chris also drafted the 2024 Spring Newsletter to be finalized by



Discussed was a road trip to meet Cliff Bloom, attorney, in January to discuss 5 issues and

create face-to-face relationship.

When purchasing property on the lake, new owners are not always getting deed restrictions.

Jerry had gotten several inquiries asking about docks, fences etc. Chris will put copies of deed

restrictions to match up with lake map on

A resident on Tyson Trail/Easy Street is trying to get a bond from the township for street repair.

Must have at least 70% of home owners to agree.

No word on the approval of building a Verizon tower. They can’t use the same gate or road that

DMCI uses.

At 10:55, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott Coakley seconded the motion. All

agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell



September 2023 Board Minutes



September 9th, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 



The meeting was called to order at 9:02 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The next meeting will be held on Saturday, October 21st.

The minutes from the August 12 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell.  The minutes were approved by Chris Sellers – seconded by Al Vitous.  They were approved by all as written.


Jim Watt recited the Treasury Report.    Several bills for the signs and picnic were paid.  Jim will move some funds to a CD for higher interest rates that was approved by the board.  The Treasury Report was approved by Jerry Agrusa, seconded by Chris Sellers.  All approved.


Membership stands at 203.



Jerry left a couple of voice messages to Cliff Bloom.  He is waiting  for options of trailer removal and other items.  Jerry is hoping to get response by October meeting.  Nothing has been paid for legal fees at this time.


The lily pad spray was done. There was a comment saying the spray didn’t hit the pads directly. They sprayed 40% which was over 20 homes and 1 boat lane.  A board member is not allowed to go on boat like we did in the past. Jim Watt will see if he can get map of the sprayed areas.

North Bay algae tested negative for toxins.  The algae is caused by shady, still, hot, shallow water with no wind or oxygen.  Aerator/Bubbler might help but a high cost.   Kevin might be able to provide one for testing to see if it would help. This algae will not spread by boat to other areas of the lake according to health department.  Only 2 paying association members are in that area.  Perhaps options could be presented to them.

Average adult Swan weighs 44 lbs and excrete 6 lbs a day.  The 2 adults and 7 babies (cygnets) with the geese that migrated should be leaving Lake Diane soon.  Might have to hunt twice for goose eggs next year.

A stump in the south side of lake is 2 feet down.  Several people have hit it creating damage to their watercrafts.

Several signs have been installed at the park, gas station and down a channel.


There is a court date set in late September to sue Williams County Commissioners. This project is at a stop at this time.



Territorial will be closed for construction of the 2 bridges at Carpenter Road. Project will not be completed till June, 2024.   Drain on West Diane by Woodbridge got washed out again.   


Kevin Mack got rid of the old, rotten tower that was at Chickadee Park. Signs keep getting fixed due to heavy winds this year.  


There were approx 70-80 people at the Family Picnic and 7 kids.  Maybe move it up one week since kids start school activities or get banners to advertise could bring in more people.  

*Trunk or Treat – October 27th

*LDCA non-sponsored events


Some trailers have been removed due to end of season.   Steps are needed to eliminate trailers for next year.  


Kevin and Chris are getting a quote for a 30×60 cement pad for pickleball court to replace the  volleyball court at the shelter house park.

DMCI is getting a grant to bring fiber lines to LD which is faster than WIFI. To show interest, residents can sign up at DMCI. The cell tower has not been installed yet.

Chris Sellers brought up a new idea of having a casino night   Preliminary talk was to have an entry fee with poker tables and roulette wheel. Not sure if a permit is needed since it would be fake cash. Chris Sellers will try to get information and talk about it at the spring meeting.

In the Spring newsletter or in the annual association mailing sent out to everyone in March 2024, attach a survey listing items of what people want the association to focus on.  For example, trailers, parks, rentals etc.  In the past, trailers have been a priority.

At 10:40 Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott Coakley/Kevin Mack seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell9-9-23 meeting minutes

July 2023 Board Minutes



July 8, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 



The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house.

The minutes from the May 13, monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell.  Under activities, an asterisk was added to the Golf Cart Parade to indicate it was not a LDCA event at this time.  The revised minutes were approved by Jim Watt – seconded by Scott Coakley and Al Vitous.  


Jim Watt recited the Treasury Report.    Several bills were paid.  The Treasury Report was approved as written by Scott Coakley, seconded by Jerry Agrusa.  This was approved by all.


Membership is now at 201 with possibility of increasing soon.



Paperwork was sent to a new attorney regarding several issues but he didn’t return any calls yet.


Al and Phyllis Vitous went around the lake to check for weeds. There are several that need to be re-sprayed and 4 new people who just paid to get sprayed. Date of second spray is July 11th. The weed company did good with no complaints. It was noted that we should add to the Newsletter in 2024 about raking the weeds in front of their place. This spreads the seeds and weeds could double.  When you pull weeds, the root has to be taken out or it will grow again. Then place pulled weeds on the land to dry out.  The color of the weed spray notice posted on the properties had no reflection of who got sprayed.  It was just random colors they used.


Kevin cut down the arborvitaes at the shelter house park that was damaged.  He also plugged holes from boring bees at Chickadee park and reinstalled the No Fishing sign.  There are some weevils he is trying to preserve by not cutting the grass at the shoreline. 


*Golf Outing – July 22nd

*Reverse Raffle – August 5th

Family Picnic – August 12th

*Wine Crawl – September 2nd

*Trunk or Treat – October 27th

*LDCA non-sponsored events

Jerry will buy food and staples for the picnic on 8-12 with a rain date of 8-13.  A signup sheet was passed around asking volunteers to help.  The activities will be kids games, volleyball and corn hole toss.  This will be put on website plus asking people to bring a dish to pass.

The Boaters Safety Class had 32 people, highest amount in years.   Ages ranged from 11 to 56 years old.  

The Fireworks was a total success.  A date in 2024 has been determined – July 6th.

The Golf Cart Decorating Contest had 23 carts. It was determined by volunteers to do it again on July 6th, 2024.  In the future, the event will happen the day of the fireworks.


There are 26 trailers on the lake – a huge increase since May.  



There are several obstacles in the lake –  tree stumps, concrete, post, boulders, fence etc.  DNR can remove buoys that marks them.   A map could be done noting the obstacles to put on LDCA website 

There were several incidents on the lake during the July 4th holiday. Chris drafted up a No Wake and Speed Limit signs. It was suggested they are put up at store gas station, public access, launch by Point Drive and launch by shelter house.  They are 24×18 and/or 24×30 with a cost of approximately $450.   Jerry made a motion to approve cost of signs.  Jim seconded motion.  All approved.   

The board will take a look at the survey of the park for encroachment.

Even though there were 36 goose eggs collected, there were a couple nests missed or the geese re-laid their eggs.

People liked the flyers with activity information on it that the fireworks collectors passed out.

At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt/Scott Coakley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell7-8-23 meeting minutes

April 2023 Board Minutes


April 15th, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee via phone



The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:03 at the restaurant – TTT.

The minutes from the March 13th monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved by Jim Watt as written – seconded by Jerry Agrusa.


Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. Payments for annual Assoc fees are starting to come in.  The shelter house is not eligible for Consumers Power rebate for loss of power back in March.  Jerry Agrusa approved the report, Chris Sellers seconded.  All in favor.


No change


Bev came to present an hour long presentation the status of Aquabounty.  She brought over the College Newspaper article that had 47K views and suggested to look at website https.//  It would take 27 million gallons to fill tank. The modified fish would eat twice as much and grow twice as fast. They could be sold in stores and identified by UPC code.  Most would be served in restaurants.  The water level will effect Lime Lake, Merry Lake, Clear Lake, Lake Diane and Silver Creek areas. They are saying no effect on Lake Diane but wells could go down one foot. If an issue, notify Aquabounty and they will monitor.  They still don’t have right away for drain line and power amp issue.   As of now, we are not getting a lot of support from Michigan officials since it is located in Ohio.  This is an issue effecting 1/3 of Hillsdale County.


Jerry received a quote from SOLitude Lake Management. Price was close to prior year spray if 30 feet out with spraying of Lilly pads.  Jim Watt proposed to accept contract, Scott Coakley seconded.


Nothing to report 


Nothing reported 


ARS will not give Lake Diane Special Discount rate.

Goose egg hunt starts today. On Newsletter, we asked owners to notify board if they saw a nest.  Nothing reported.


A Verizon tower with 5G network will be built on Easy Street at the lake.

Territorial Road near Carpenter will be closed late summer to Spring, 2024 to work on two bridges.  Suggested detour is taking Montgomery Road to 49.

Water in Chickadee Park area has black algae.  But not as bad as a week ago.

Lake attorney, Kim Burger, has moved to different position and no longer can be working for us.  Jerry received recommendations and talked to different person out of Grand Rapids.  He has more experience working with lakes which is beneficial for us.  Jerry motioned the contract to be signed.  Nancy Bell seconded. All approved.

Chris Sellers did a chart of visitors to  Many outside the lake are viewing but glad to see property owners are looking at also.

Scott Coakley said a lot of the lake has 3 lines for power but noticed areas were there are only 2 lines.  He will contact power company to see if upgrade can be done.

At 11:12, Jerry Agrusa made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell