September 2023 Board Minutes



September 9th, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 



The meeting was called to order at 9:02 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The next meeting will be held on Saturday, October 21st.

The minutes from the August 12 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell.  The minutes were approved by Chris Sellers – seconded by Al Vitous.  They were approved by all as written.


Jim Watt recited the Treasury Report.    Several bills for the signs and picnic were paid.  Jim will move some funds to a CD for higher interest rates that was approved by the board.  The Treasury Report was approved by Jerry Agrusa, seconded by Chris Sellers.  All approved.


Membership stands at 203.



Jerry left a couple of voice messages to Cliff Bloom.  He is waiting  for options of trailer removal and other items.  Jerry is hoping to get response by October meeting.  Nothing has been paid for legal fees at this time.


The lily pad spray was done. There was a comment saying the spray didn’t hit the pads directly. They sprayed 40% which was over 20 homes and 1 boat lane.  A board member is not allowed to go on boat like we did in the past. Jim Watt will see if he can get map of the sprayed areas.

North Bay algae tested negative for toxins.  The algae is caused by shady, still, hot, shallow water with no wind or oxygen.  Aerator/Bubbler might help but a high cost.   Kevin might be able to provide one for testing to see if it would help. This algae will not spread by boat to other areas of the lake according to health department.  Only 2 paying association members are in that area.  Perhaps options could be presented to them.

Average adult Swan weighs 44 lbs and excrete 6 lbs a day.  The 2 adults and 7 babies (cygnets) with the geese that migrated should be leaving Lake Diane soon.  Might have to hunt twice for goose eggs next year.

A stump in the south side of lake is 2 feet down.  Several people have hit it creating damage to their watercrafts.

Several signs have been installed at the park, gas station and down a channel.


There is a court date set in late September to sue Williams County Commissioners. This project is at a stop at this time.



Territorial will be closed for construction of the 2 bridges at Carpenter Road. Project will not be completed till June, 2024.   Drain on West Diane by Woodbridge got washed out again.   


Kevin Mack got rid of the old, rotten tower that was at Chickadee Park. Signs keep getting fixed due to heavy winds this year.  


There were approx 70-80 people at the Family Picnic and 7 kids.  Maybe move it up one week since kids start school activities or get banners to advertise could bring in more people.  

*Trunk or Treat – October 27th

*LDCA non-sponsored events


Some trailers have been removed due to end of season.   Steps are needed to eliminate trailers for next year.  


Kevin and Chris are getting a quote for a 30×60 cement pad for pickleball court to replace the  volleyball court at the shelter house park.

DMCI is getting a grant to bring fiber lines to LD which is faster than WIFI. To show interest, residents can sign up at DMCI. The cell tower has not been installed yet.

Chris Sellers brought up a new idea of having a casino night   Preliminary talk was to have an entry fee with poker tables and roulette wheel. Not sure if a permit is needed since it would be fake cash. Chris Sellers will try to get information and talk about it at the spring meeting.

In the Spring newsletter or in the annual association mailing sent out to everyone in March 2024, attach a survey listing items of what people want the association to focus on.  For example, trailers, parks, rentals etc.  In the past, trailers have been a priority.

At 10:40 Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott Coakley/Kevin Mack seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell9-9-23 meeting minutes

July 2023 Board Minutes



July 8, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 



The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house.

The minutes from the May 13, monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell.  Under activities, an asterisk was added to the Golf Cart Parade to indicate it was not a LDCA event at this time.  The revised minutes were approved by Jim Watt – seconded by Scott Coakley and Al Vitous.  


Jim Watt recited the Treasury Report.    Several bills were paid.  The Treasury Report was approved as written by Scott Coakley, seconded by Jerry Agrusa.  This was approved by all.


Membership is now at 201 with possibility of increasing soon.



Paperwork was sent to a new attorney regarding several issues but he didn’t return any calls yet.


Al and Phyllis Vitous went around the lake to check for weeds. There are several that need to be re-sprayed and 4 new people who just paid to get sprayed. Date of second spray is July 11th. The weed company did good with no complaints. It was noted that we should add to the Newsletter in 2024 about raking the weeds in front of their place. This spreads the seeds and weeds could double.  When you pull weeds, the root has to be taken out or it will grow again. Then place pulled weeds on the land to dry out.  The color of the weed spray notice posted on the properties had no reflection of who got sprayed.  It was just random colors they used.


Kevin cut down the arborvitaes at the shelter house park that was damaged.  He also plugged holes from boring bees at Chickadee park and reinstalled the No Fishing sign.  There are some weevils he is trying to preserve by not cutting the grass at the shoreline. 


*Golf Outing – July 22nd

*Reverse Raffle – August 5th

Family Picnic – August 12th

*Wine Crawl – September 2nd

*Trunk or Treat – October 27th

*LDCA non-sponsored events

Jerry will buy food and staples for the picnic on 8-12 with a rain date of 8-13.  A signup sheet was passed around asking volunteers to help.  The activities will be kids games, volleyball and corn hole toss.  This will be put on website plus asking people to bring a dish to pass.

The Boaters Safety Class had 32 people, highest amount in years.   Ages ranged from 11 to 56 years old.  

The Fireworks was a total success.  A date in 2024 has been determined – July 6th.

The Golf Cart Decorating Contest had 23 carts. It was determined by volunteers to do it again on July 6th, 2024.  In the future, the event will happen the day of the fireworks.


There are 26 trailers on the lake – a huge increase since May.  



There are several obstacles in the lake –  tree stumps, concrete, post, boulders, fence etc.  DNR can remove buoys that marks them.   A map could be done noting the obstacles to put on LDCA website 

There were several incidents on the lake during the July 4th holiday. Chris drafted up a No Wake and Speed Limit signs. It was suggested they are put up at store gas station, public access, launch by Point Drive and launch by shelter house.  They are 24×18 and/or 24×30 with a cost of approximately $450.   Jerry made a motion to approve cost of signs.  Jim seconded motion.  All approved.   

The board will take a look at the survey of the park for encroachment.

Even though there were 36 goose eggs collected, there were a couple nests missed or the geese re-laid their eggs.

People liked the flyers with activity information on it that the fireworks collectors passed out.

At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt/Scott Coakley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell7-8-23 meeting minutes

April 2023 Board Minutes


April 15th, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee via phone



The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:03 at the restaurant – TTT.

The minutes from the March 13th monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved by Jim Watt as written – seconded by Jerry Agrusa.


Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. Payments for annual Assoc fees are starting to come in.  The shelter house is not eligible for Consumers Power rebate for loss of power back in March.  Jerry Agrusa approved the report, Chris Sellers seconded.  All in favor.


No change


Bev came to present an hour long presentation the status of Aquabounty.  She brought over the College Newspaper article that had 47K views and suggested to look at website https.//  It would take 27 million gallons to fill tank. The modified fish would eat twice as much and grow twice as fast. They could be sold in stores and identified by UPC code.  Most would be served in restaurants.  The water level will effect Lime Lake, Merry Lake, Clear Lake, Lake Diane and Silver Creek areas. They are saying no effect on Lake Diane but wells could go down one foot. If an issue, notify Aquabounty and they will monitor.  They still don’t have right away for drain line and power amp issue.   As of now, we are not getting a lot of support from Michigan officials since it is located in Ohio.  This is an issue effecting 1/3 of Hillsdale County.


Jerry received a quote from SOLitude Lake Management. Price was close to prior year spray if 30 feet out with spraying of Lilly pads.  Jim Watt proposed to accept contract, Scott Coakley seconded.


Nothing to report 


Nothing reported 


ARS will not give Lake Diane Special Discount rate.

Goose egg hunt starts today. On Newsletter, we asked owners to notify board if they saw a nest.  Nothing reported.


A Verizon tower with 5G network will be built on Easy Street at the lake.

Territorial Road near Carpenter will be closed late summer to Spring, 2024 to work on two bridges.  Suggested detour is taking Montgomery Road to 49.

Water in Chickadee Park area has black algae.  But not as bad as a week ago.

Lake attorney, Kim Burger, has moved to different position and no longer can be working for us.  Jerry received recommendations and talked to different person out of Grand Rapids.  He has more experience working with lakes which is beneficial for us.  Jerry motioned the contract to be signed.  Nancy Bell seconded. All approved.

Chris Sellers did a chart of visitors to  Many outside the lake are viewing but glad to see property owners are looking at also.

Scott Coakley said a lot of the lake has 3 lines for power but noticed areas were there are only 2 lines.  He will contact power company to see if upgrade can be done.

At 11:12, Jerry Agrusa made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell

March 2023 Board Minutes

 MONTHLY BOARD MEETING LDCA-3-11-23 meeting minutes

March 11, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee via phone


Scott Coakley, Vice President 

Nancy Bell, Secretary 

The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa  at the restaurant – TTT.

The minutes from the last meeting in December 10th monthly board meeting were read by Jerry Agrusa. The minutes were approved by Jim Watt – seconded by Jerry Agrusa with one name correction.


Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. He will look into getting rebate from Consumers Power for power outage at the Shelter House.  Jerry Agrusa approved the report, Kevin Mack seconded.


No change


Clarke has been taken over by another company but will spray Lake Diane in June. We will look for quotes for 2024 spraying 50 feet out.  Our water level is high and this winter had little ice which could increase weed problem.


There are divots by shelter house.  


Jerry and Chris will go around in May verifying amount of trailers.


Nothing reported 

December 2022 Board Minutes

page1image45774032LDCA12-10-22 meeting minutes



Jerry Agrusa, President Jim Watt, Treasurer Nancy Bell, Secretary Kevin Mack, Trustee Chris Sellers, Trustee


Scott Coakley, Vice President Al Vitous, Trustee

The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:17 am at the restaurant – TTT.

The minutes from the 11-12-2002 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved by Jerry Agrusa – seconded by Jim Watt/Kevin Mack. No changes were made.


Jim Watt presented the treasury report. Received tax bill due in February. Chris Sellers motioned to approve report – Jerry Agrusa seconded.


2 New Members/2 members sold. Stands at 199


Clarke contract ends in 2023. Will look into getting quotes from Clarke and other companies. One that was mentioned and Irish Hills area uses has contracts for 7 years and drones to view weeds in the lake. LD has 15 different species of Lilly pads, 11 are invasive. Can only reduce by 40%. There is 11.7 miles of shoreline. If spraying 30ft out, that is 42 1/2 acres. If spraying 50 feet out, spraying acres increases to approx 71 acres.


Nothing reported


Item tabled till next Spring


2023 activities will be listed on Spring Newsletter.
they want Poker Run and Trunk or Treat listed on newsletter.

Nancy will contact Friends of LD to see if


In 2022, there were 19 packages to new home owners. 4 Homes are being built and 1 house is for sale at the time of the December meeting.


Only small amount of water over the dam is being released daily for a couple of days instead of at one time. GPS to measure by the tenths of feet is needed for elevation. Cost is $500-$600.


Unsure where fireworks will be blown off in 2023. 2022 site is up for sale.
A motion was made to have Roger removed from the bank by Jim Watt-seconded by Chris Sellers.
A draft of the Spring Newsletter was started. Final one doesn’t have to be completed till March.
Next LDCA tentatively to be held in March, 2023.
Beginning of April is ideal for collection of goose eggs.

A list of topics has been started to discuss at annual meeting in June.

At 10:26, Jerry Agrusa made a motion to adjourn. Jim Watt/Chris Sellers seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted: Nancy Bell

October 2022 Board Minutes


                                             MONTHLY BOARD MEETING



Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Al Vitous , Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee


Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Kevin Mack, Trustee

The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:00 am.

The minutes from the 9-10-22 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. An adjustment to reword minutes about letters to trailers was done.  Motion to approve adjusted minutes made by Chris Sellers-seconded by Al Vitous.  


The Treasurer’s report was not presented




TRAILERS – Jerry will go to Hillsdale to get copies of deed restrictions.   Perhaps meet Kim (atty) about removal of trailers.  All deed restrictions state trailers are prohibited.

RENTALS – If a rental is not in a sub with deed restrictions, rules may not apply. If there are any issues with renters, suggest authorities can be called.  Cameras are allowed if pointed on their property. 


Some board members went to the September 12th meeting at Pioneer High School. Discharge, wells, waste and chemicals used were discussed. Williams County did not approve the discharge pipe permit.  But the building is still in process of being built.   The investors are putting in a large amount of funds.


Jerry suggested the November meeting to be held at 9:00 am at the store.  Although Friends Community Center could be an option.  We will meet in December.  January and February are tentative since we might not have a quorum.


Tyson Trail Road is bad.  It should be fixed for emergency vehicles. Friends of LD offered them to have their mailboxes moved by Friends Community Center.  Being a privately maintained road, Assoc is not involved.  Amboy does not have it in their budget to repair road. I 


LDCA has one more year in Clark’s gentleman’s agreement. Jerry inquired about a 5 year plan for weed spraying and get weeds under control.  We could move forward to get 51% of lake owners to agree for spraying and make it a special assessment. Cost would be allocated by all the lake front properties owners.  The investors would have an interest in maintaining the lake instead of being inundated with weeds where our property value would decrease.  Kevin got a letter that will be discussed at November’s meeting.


Nothing to report.  


Nancy brought up about organizing a golf cart parade.  This would be July 4th weekend and prize for best decorations. 


A newsletter to assoc members with the billing will be done next Spring.  This will include wake time and no wake zones on the lake.  Several other items could be added.

Wake time hours according to R281.730-11 have been posted on the LDCA website.

No wake areas are less than 200 feet shore to shore.  Strip connecting North and South lakes are less than 200 in some areas but not marked as no wake. No wake is defined as the slowest your boat will go without losing control.  Jim received a letter from Michigan Lakes and Streams that will be discussed at the next meeting.

A few Friends of Lake Diane board members joined us at the meeting. They have extended an invitation to use the Community Center for association meetings, golf outing and picnics.  It can hold 185 people, has tables, chairs, bathroom and kitchen areas.  And it is heated!  Perhaps have Boaters Safety class at the Community Center in 2023.

A shadow box plexiglass frame will be installed near shelter house for assoc information.

LD does not have overflow of water on ‘Go Forth Dam’. Water is low due to lack of rain. Not sure who owns dam property. Looking into a meter to measure water level. Might have to spend $400-$500 for survey.

Form for board’s approval to add Jerry Agrusa for LDCA Financial information will be done at  November’s meeting.

At 10:19, Jerry made a motion to adjourn meeting.  Al seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell

LDCA Monthly Board Meeting – October 2022





Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Al Vitous , Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee


The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:03 am.

The minutes from the 7-9-22 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. Motion to approve by Jim Watt-seconded by Kevin Mack. The minutes were approved as written.


Jim Watt presented the Treasurers report. Several bills plus insurance bills came in. Jim may contact another insurance company to get a quote. LDCA license (LARA) has been paid and is good till October, 2023. Received Consumers Power bill. Very little kilowatts used, all taxes and fees. Jerry motioned to approve treasurers report as written. Scott seconded. All approved,


199 members – no change

Jerry passed out meeting agenda


TRAILERS – Jerry and Chris to follow up to see if trailers re-appear. A couple are concerning. Last attorney letter gave 10 day notice to remove. Suggested that we tour on Memorial Day weekend, 2023 and send heads up letters of advisory notification of potential legal precedents.
RENTALS– comment made on website about rentals. There was a reply saying a resident was successful and any concerned residents may take action. The association and the board are not involved in any actions being taken. Although a no rentals statement is in the deed restrictions.

For LDCA to be involved in above, Atty would look into to see if the 7 parks would give legal standing to pursue both trailers and rentals. If yes, move forward next Spring. Then could go in front of judge. But parks are not in all subdivisions. Then up to the resident in that area.
Roads: Private roads are not funded or maintained by county. 3 ways to fix roads. Mail delivery could be affected

– All neighbors to fix at 100% their cost
– All neighbors to bring up to standard for county to maintain (Culvers, drainage, 16 ft wide) – 51% approval by neighbors to support with bond by township
Can’t count on County for financial support.

Any damage to new road won’t be funded by county since work was completed at that time


Reminder of Aquabounty meeting on Monday, September 12th at the Pioneer High School. Several board members will attend. Williams County pushing back about drainage lines


Jerry proposed future meetings to be held at 9:00 am. Store opens at 8:00 so winter meetings could be held there. Time changed was approved by all board members. We will close the shelter house after the October meeting.


Landscaping is still a mess. There are concerns about tripping and falling. If no changes by end of October, Jim will ask Amboy Twsp about status.


Bill was lower due to acreage decrease. Lily pad spraying was done on 8-23-22.


There is a broken child swing at Chickadee Park. Kevin will remove before someone gets hurt. Look into getting funds to replace next year.


The picnic was cancelled due to weather. Kim Byrne did a fantastic job on the golf outing. Thank you Kim! Wine crawl was successful again.


Kevin talked to friend in Irish Hills area. Weed spraying is done at their lake and billed to all owners equally for the next 7 years on their winter taxes. Need 51% of the approx 330 LD owners to approve. Township has to agree to put on tax bill. Kevin will get petition that they past around in Irish Hills. They used a company called JPM (lake mgmt) located in Kalamazoo to spray weeds there but would come to Lake Diane. More than 1/2 get sprayed so 51% might not be an issue. Cost would be lower for those who are paying now. Annual assoc fee would be decreased.

According to R281.730-11, wake time hours are 10:00 to 6:30, not recognizing DST. This is Twsp ordinance. Chris will adjust website. Boaters are abusing wake time by hours.

Per Drain Commissioner, can’t make board on dam higher without 2/3 vote, petition, $10K deposit for study etc. Was higher in 2017 until someone complained. If water level is below 950, board could be put in.

Suggestion to get map of hazards and shallow water in lake. Several known but not all marked. DNR and diving training team would have to get involved. DNR will not allow more than 2 buoys.

Take steps to add Jerry Agrusa for LDCA Financial information. Make plexiglass board cover for message board. Many letters are getting blown away.

At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell


LDCA Monthly Board Meeting – July 2022


Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitouis, Trustee

The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:00 am.

The minutes from the 6-11-22 Annual board meeting was read by Nancy Bell. The minutes were approved as written.

Jim Watt presented the treasurers report. Fireworks and Golf outing payments were made. Funds are down from last year at this time. No complaints about the price increase for spraying. Jerry motioned to approve treasury report as written. Kevin seconded. All approved.

No increase or decrease in members. Stands at 199

The second spraying of weeds was done the week of June 27, 2022. Jim got the invoice for lower than expected. Difference could be they sprayed 30 feet from shoreline instead of 50 feet. Lily pads will be sprayed late August/September for additional cost.

Kevin installed the LD sign at Woodbridge and Territorial. He will look into installing second sign down the street depending on condition of sign.

The quantity of trailers are down, 6 years ago had 33 or 34. Chris and Jerry will take audit of existing trailers on lots. Maybe have attorney Kim Burger send another letter, but $225 per hour! Suggestion made to help neighbors with instructions on what they can do to pursue trailer owners. We can get a head start for letters next year – in April. Last letter from Attorney was June, 2021

There were 2 Rentals stopped by Doug Whittler by EOY. Residents on dame subdivision must pursue, not LDCA. It is a high cost to get legal action by attorney. Jerry to contact Doug to see who he used.

Golf Outing – July 23rd.
Annual Picnic – August 13th
No bounce house. Jerry will order 12 dozen corn (from James & Esther) and 120 hot dogs. All essentials will be in shed. Nancy will put on message board after golf outing message is gone – picnic is open to all LD residents.

We are out of Boaters Safety Books. Jim will ask class instructor if he has any to donate. Cost is $1.99 per book on line. $60,00 can be used from Park budget if necessary. Nancy will write wake hours of 11:00 – 7:30 on ‘Its the Law’ sheet in Welcome Package-if missing.

Chris volunteered to contact Jeff W on View Dr. Maybe take over but could be a cost we don’t have now. Will look into license or working together.

Roads have some bad areas but not completed yet. They are getting worse with heavy trucks on them. Kevin will attend Amboy Township meeting on Wednesday to ask about status update.

Shelter House rentals are open to all owners on LD with no charge. New agreement created to be signed by board member and renter.
There has been reports of boaters abusing no wake hours. Different times (DST vs Standard time) posted on different websites. Kevin will look into sign at public launch. Jerry will inquire with a friend at Merry Lake about wording of their wake hours.
It was agreed at the annual meeting for the Assoc board all to have 3 year terms. If necessary , have formal update on bylaws at next Annual meeting

At 10:29, Jerry made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell, Secretary