Community Golf Cart Parade Winners

The winners of the inaugural Golf Cart Parade have been published

Uncle Sam on Ski's

Uncle Sam on Ski’s

First Place : Uncle Sam on Ski’s

red truck golf cart 2nd place

2ND Place

Second Place: Red Truck


Third Place:

Congratulations to all the participants.  Thank you to the volunteer coordinators and judges for making this years parade fun for all!

See the rest of the parade photos here:

May 20 – Last Day to Pay for Weed Spray!!

To ensure that your area is sprayed for weeds, please make sure to submit payment by May 20, 2023.

Your return and payment is all you need to continue to authorize spraying of your waterfront area.  For members, this is included in your annual dues, for non-members, this is an individual payment.

April LDCA Board meeting moved to 04/15

The LDCA board has moved the April meeting from 04/08/2023 to 04/15/2023 and it will take place at the Territorial Table and Tavern – 9:00am.   Goose Egg roundup to help manage the goose and lake bacteria level will take place after the meeting.

Lake Diane before and After 1960s transformation

old and new lakes

In the 1960s, the lake we know of now as Lake Diane was terraformed from the dredging and flooding of lowlands that surrounded two natural lakes. See our History for more. Below is a picture roughly showing what was (according to old maps) and what is now according to the Hillsdale GIS system. Enjoy this mix of history and present.




Public Meeting – AquaBounty Extraction and Discharge

pic of water and dock

Information about Lake Diane’s Aquifer

Public Meeting: 

AquaBounty Receipt of Wastewater Discharge Permit Application (Williams Co.)

Monday, September 12, 2022

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

North Central Local High School, Varsity Gymnasium

400 Baubice Street, Pioneer, Ohio 43554

Ohio DNR Details :

Williams County (OH) Alliance info :

Background:  Lake Diane is part of the Michindoh Aquifer.  Being Aquifer spring fed, our lake ecology and health is directly dependent upon groundwater for sustainability.  Please be sure to share your voice regarding the extraction of millions of gallons of water from our ecosystem for salmon farming.

This information is being brought to you by LDCA but is not in the jurisdiction of LDCA. 

Note about recent letters left with some neighbors

Lake Diane Community Residents;

Good Day:

It has come to the attention of the Lake Diane Community Association Board that a notice is circulating regarding rental properties on the lake.

First let me state that the notice is not being circulated in mail boxes by the LDCA Board. We, along with all members present at the annual meeting, were provided the information this past June, but have not reviewed, nor had discussions on the information as a board.

Secondly, any notifications to lake residents for information such as this would be direct mailed to all Lake Diane residents.

Finally, each property has specific deed restrictions for your individual property. We find that most deed restrictions do contain specific language regarding trailer and commercial or rental properties. We suggest that you review your property’s specific deed restrictions to ensure that you are in compliance.

We hope this clears any mis-understanding.

Warm Regards

Jerry Agrusa

LDCA Board President

LDCA Annual Meeting, June 12, 2021


Annual Meeting

June 12, 2021



Roger Giallorati, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack 

Jerry Agrusa


The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:15am.

The minutes from the May 15, 2021 meeting were read.  The minutes were approved as written, with one comment from an attendee.  Karen Watt informed the meeting that Jim Watt also searched for goose eggs.


The floor was opened for nominees for LDCA Board of Directors Trustees with five positions available.

Nominees were: Kevin Mack, Jim Watt, Jerry Agrusa, Arda Bucher, Nancy Bell and Al Vitous.  Jim Watt made a motion that nominations be closed.  Roger Giallorati seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.  Elected by vote of the members in attendance were nominees Kevin Mack (for a three year term), Jim Watt (for a two year term), Jerry Agrusa (for a two year term), Nancy Bell (for a one year term) and Al Vitous (for a one year term). 


Jim Watt presented the Treasurers report.  The report was approved as written.

The Proposed Budget for 2021-2022 Fiscal Year was presented.  Roger Giallorati made a motion that the (attached) proposed budget be approved.  Kim Byrne seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.



To date there are 204 members.


Jim and Roger collected goose eggs for the goose egg collection and nest destruction program.  There were only 12 eggs collected, despite several searches.  There are currently many geese on the lake.  Next year we will solicit more help and ask property owners to report nests. 

Lake weeds were treated the week of June 2nd, 2021.  Clarke Aquatic will be returning to address trouble areas.  Al Vitous volunteered to survey the lake to highlight areas that need to be re-treated.

Al Vitous requested that the “NO WAKE” buoy be placed further out from the channel leading into Chickadee Cove.  Kevin responded that the placement of the buoy must be approved by the HCSD.

Arda Boucher has completed a class for water testing.  She will be conducting the testing this year.


JoEllen Wright was thanked for her donation to the parks with the proceeds from the wine crawl held each Labor Day weekend.  There was discussion that this year’s proceeds fund two pickleball parks at the shelter house park.  Kevin will work to obtain an estimate.  

Kevin has made several repairs over the past year to playground equipment.  The new play structure at the shelter house park will need to be re-stained.


Garage Sales – June 19th

*Fireworks – July 2nd, with a rain date of July 4th

Golf Outing – July 24th

Annual Picnic – August 7th

*Wine Crawl – September 4th

*LDCA non-sponsored event


The road project has not yet begun.  It is scheduled to begin next week.  Prep will take 4-6 weeks, with paving taking 2 weeks.  The speed of travelers once the road is paved is a real concern.


Nothing new to report.

At 11:08 Roger made a motion to adjourn.  Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne, Secretary


Hello All.



Recently you received a letter from Clarke Aquatic regarding treatment of the lake weeds.  The date they indicated for treatment was incorrect!  PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE CORRECT DATE IS JUNE 2nd WEATHER PERMITTING.  We are truly sorry for any confusion this may have caused.  



The LDCA Annual Meeting is June 12 at 10AM. Please plan to attend.



Please see the attached flyer with information for the annual fireworks display.







LDCA Monthly Board Meeting April 10, 2021

Lake Diane Community Association

Monthly Board Meeting

April 10, 2021



Roger Giallorati, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack

Jerry Agrusa


Scott Hercula


The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati @ 10:00am.

The minutes from the March 20, 2021 meeting were read. The minutes were approved as written.



Jim presented the treasurer’s report. The report was approved.



To date there are 196 members.



Clarke Aquatic has submitted their bid to LDCA and application to the state for lake weed treatment. The bid has been accepted and the application approved. Treatment will likely take place the first week of June.

Arda Boucher will be conducting the water testing this year. She is participating in an online class through MSU.

Roger has in hand, the permit for the goose egg and nest destruction permit. The first collection weekend is April 17th.

Both buoys are in the water marking hazard locations.



The shoreline at the shelter house has weathered the winter well. The paint is wearing on the new playset at the shelter house. Kevin has repaired the seat of the teeter totter at Chickadee Park.



Boaters Safety canceled by HCSD due to covid restrictions        

Annual Meeting June 12, 2021

Garage Sales June 19, 2021

*Fireworks July 2, 2021 with a rain date of July 4, 2021

Golf Outing July 24, 2021

Family Picnic August 7, 2021

*Wine Crawl September 4, 2021

*LDCA non-sponsored events



Roger, Jim and Kevin met with newly hired attorney Kim Burger regarding:

Dam level – HCDC has requested an environmental impact study in order to proceed with the 3” adjustment we have requested. They are not receptive to the idea of any adjustment.

Camper trailers – campers are making their way back to lake lots. Camper trailers are deed restricted. Ms. Burger will review historical documents and judgments, then advise.

Potential liability issue for Monte Carlo Park “A”.

Dock ordinance.

There is a public hearing April 12, 2021 @ 7PM for the scheduled road improvements.  



Scott Hercula has sold his home, and the board is expecting his resignation. There was discussion on terms of board members. At LDCA’s 2021 annual meeting, there will be five trustees elected to the board of directors.

At 11:19 Roger made a motion that the meeting adjourn. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne



LDCA Notice of Annual Meeting, 2021


Lake Diane Community Association


June 12, 2021

10:00 AM

Lake Diane Shelter House




Call to order.

Election of three trustees.

Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes. 

Treasurer’s report, budget proposal, vote to adopt 2021-2022 budget

Aquatic Life


Old Business

New Business
