Lake Diane Property Owners Association Monthly Board Meeting January 13, 2018

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

January 13, 2018


The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Jerry Agrusa

Rod Anderson

Kevin Mack


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the November 18, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.


Nancy Bell, Ruth Weiss and Arda Bucher completed the annual audit December 11, 2017. They found all financial records to be in order and complete.


Aquatic Life:


Nothing new to report.




In response to the disclaimer provided by Hillsdale County Building Authority, Lake Diane residents continue to submit building plans to the building committee for review.


Holly and Doug Rogers of 14614 Lakeshore Dr. submitted plans to the building committee for review. Jerry Agrusa reviewed then approved the application.  Roger has reviewed and signed, as well.




From the eighty-eight property owners whom received letters regarding the dredging, ten have yet to respond. Scott has verified the final ten property owner’s mailing addresses with Jim, and sent them each several informational letters with permission requests.  He is confident the permit will be issued by fall.  If there are property owners who do not respond with permission for dredging at their shoreline, Scott will then adjust the site map to reflect that their area will not be dredged. 




The work at the shelter house will resume in the spring. There is painting and some electrical work to complete.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


Kim Byrne provided a report on the Breakfast with Santa Toys for Tots event. While attendance was down, collections were on track.  There is consideration being given to a summer Toys for Tots event v. the current winter event.


Old Business:


The Fleck v Imo lawsuit has been settled conditionally. However, the conditions of the settlement have yet to be fulfilled by the Imo’s.


The Shindorf’s have asked for a one hundred twenty day extension on removal of their camper trailer. LDPOA countered with a sixty day extension option.  There has been no final word.


The board acknowledged Donna Davidson for her cooperation with Hillsdale County Road Commission to repair/replace the drain tile on West Diane Drive. The HCRC has nearly completed the project.


Due to the past litigation with Robert Whitman, LDPOA attorney, Karlye Horton has requested that we renew Lake Diane Property Owners Association’s corporate existence. It is believed, but not verified that there has been a lapse in the existence of a legal governing board for Lake Diane.  Robert Whitman’s attorney claims that the corporation’s term expired in 2007.  LDPOA has understood that it was formed in perpetuity.  Roger and Jim are working closely with the attorney to make certain that all forms are sufficiently registered with the state, and all documents are in place to operate into the future as Lake Diane Property Owners Association.   


Roger made a motion that the board vote to approve renewal of Lake Diane Property Owners Association corporate existence. Kim Byrne seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.  


LDPOA will no longer be utilizing services of Roy Brandes. Moving forward, Karlye Horton of Rusk & Horton, P.C. will provide legal counsel to LDPOA.  Roger has signed Attorney Substitution Forms for ongoing litigation with Dennis McDonald, Blaine LeBlanc, and Fleck v Imo.


New Business:


There is a camper trailer being utilized at Larry & Barb Meyers property at 14727 West Diane Drive. LDPOA and Ohana, LLC will pursue further action in effort of the removal of said trailer.


There was discussion about the cost to non-members for weed and lily pad treatment. Jim made a motion that non-member property owner’s weeds be treated at a cost of $150.00 while member property owner’s weed treatment be included in their yearly dues.  Rod seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


There is a safety concern regarding the open water around some property owner’s docks as a result of their bubblers. Roger asked Kim to send out an email asking property owners to please reduce the area of open water for safety measures.   


At 10:57, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted:



Kim Byrne, Secretary

Lake Diane Property Owners Association Monthly Board Meeting November 18, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

November 18, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Jerry Agrusa

Rod Anderson

Kevin Mack




Scott Coakley, Vice President


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the September 9, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.


Kim asked if the annual audit has been completed. The answer was “no”.  Nancy Bell, Ruth

Weiss and Arda Bucher will be contacted to complete.


Aquatic Life:


The lily pads were treated late September. They were not treated at Adkins, Smiths and LeBlancs.




If a building applicant goes to the county building authority with a request for a building permit, the county is not required to enforce LDPOA deed restrictions. They must issue the permit if all municipal conditions are met.  However, they will advise the applicant to contact their local association prior to construction.  They are including with the application/permit the following statement:  “This permit has been reviewed and issued for compliance with State, County, or local jurisdiction laws, codes, rules and standards.  If your property is within an area bound be (by) recorded deed restrictions, be aware that failure to comply with deeded restrictions may subject you to private legal action. “Contact your local association or Development Authority prior to construction”


Larry and Barb Meyers have made application and received approval for construction of a house and attached garage at 14727 West Diane Drive.







From the 88 property owners whom received letters regarding the dredging, 14 have yet to respond. Scott intends to follow up with a second round of letters.  He also plans to speak with property owners personally to answer any questions they may have.  Terry Rupp has volunteered to assist Scott.






The construction at the shelter house is nearly complete, and it looks great! Thank you to the worker bee’s for all your effort.  It truly is appreciated.  The project came in under budget, so the light fixtures will be replaced from the outdated fluorescent to LED.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


The Toys for Tots Breakfast With Santa event is on track for December 2 from 10-Noon at Shore Side Plaza.


Old Business:


The Fleck v Imo lawsuit is near settlement. There have been conditions placed on the settlement.


The Johnson and Shindorf lawsuits have been settled. The Shindorf’s have until January 1 to remove their camper trailer, and the Johnson’s have previously removed their camper trailer.  Each party has been directed by the court that their camper trailers can never be returned to Lake Diane.


LDPOA continues to pursue the collection of dues from both LeBlanc and MacDonald.


The judge favored in side of Robert Whitman as he purchased the “Lake Diane Incorporated” name after “Lake Diane Incorporated” became “Lake Diane Property Owners Association”. Kim Byrne made a motion that LDPOA seek alternate legal counsel whom specializes in lake property associations formed under the “Summer Resort Act” for a potential appeal in this matter.  Jerry Agrusa seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.  Roger will follow up.



New Business:


HCRC drained the pond on the south side of West Diane Drive. They will place a culvert under the road to allow drainage into Lake Diane to prevent further flooding.


At 11:08, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.





Respectfully Submitted:




Kim Byrne, Secretary


Lake Diane Property Owners Association Monthly Board Meeting September 9, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

September 9, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:05AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Jerry Agrusa

Rod Anderson

Kevin Mack




Jim Watt, Treasurer


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the August 12, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Roger presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.


Kim asked if the annual audit has been completed. The answer was “no”.


Aquatic Life:


The lily pads will be treated late September. Jim will provide a map to Clarke Environmental to reference the trouble areas.




Bob Pitzen is stepping down from the Building Committee. The committee will now consist of Roger Giallorati, Rod Anderson, and Jerry Agrusa.  The LDPOA board president (currently Roger) will be required to review and sign off on all building applications.


Ron Southworth has submitted application and been approved for an addition.


Dennis Miller has submitted application and been approved for a screened porch.  




There has not been 100% response rate from the 88 property owners whom received letters regarding the dredging. It is imperative that 100% of the property owners respond favorably for the project to proceed.  Scott intends to follow up with a second round of letters.  He also plans to speak with property owners personally to answer any questions they may have.  Terry Rupp has volunteered to assist Scott.






The next work day is scheduled for September 16th @ 8:30AM.  Kim will contact members that help is needed.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


Nothing new to report.


Old Business:


The Shindorf and Johnson camper trailer lawsuits were filed August 7th.  They were given twenty-one days to respond.  To date there has been no response from either party.  Roy Brandes is asking for a Summary Disposition.  If granted, it would mean that if either party returns their camper trailer to their lot,  LDPOA will have permission to remove it by any means necessary.


To date, Blaine LeBlanc has not paid his outstanding dues. LDPOA is pursuing legal action against Dennis McDonald for payment of outstanding dues. 


The LDPOA has been included in the lawsuit between Dan and Shannon Fleck v Jane and John Imo. Roger and Kim have been diligently answering the twenty-eight page interrogatories, requests for production of documentation and requests for admission directed to LDPOA.


New Business:


There was discussion regarding harvesting the weeds/lily pads of the lake vs. treating with chemicals. Jerry volunteered to research.


Going forward, the LDPOA Annual Family Picnic will be held the first Saturday of August. There is a scheduling conflict with the monthly board meeting if it is held the second Saturday. 


At 10:47AM, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Scott seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.






Respectfully Submitted:




Kim Byrne, Secretary

LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting August 12, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

August 12, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Jerry Agrusa

Rod Anderson

Kevin Mack



The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the July 8, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved with one minor correction.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.


There has been two past due accounts successfully collected. These two accounts were of the five originally filed in smalls claims court.


Blaine LeBlanc has received a copy of a detailed ledger pertaining to all his lots as requested. He still has not brought his account current.


Aquatic Life:


Clarke Environmental re-treated the lake weeds July 17, 2017. Treatment of the lake weeds will be completed earlier in the spring next year in hopes of a more successful kill prior to the weeds taking control.  Reconsideration will be given next year on which treatment means will be most efficient.




Gary Smith of 13702 Rapalla Crt. has applied for and received authorization to construct an addition.




All eighty-eight letters have been sent to the property owners which will be directly affected by the dredging. There are twelve areas designated for dredging, and eight areas designated for spoils.  Scott is confident the project will begin late fall 2018.







There were two seats replaced on the teeter-totter.


All the soft landing material (sand) has been delivered and placed under the swings at the shelter house park. Photos were taken to submit to the insurance carrier.


Sand has been ordered, but not yet delivered to be shot into the rocks on the shoreline.


Terry has asked for 2X4’s and 2X6’s for the shelter house for winterization. The tarps were in serious disrepair.  We will be constructing wooden enclosures which will be a more permanent solution.  A work day has been scheduled for September 16th @ 8:30AM.  Volunteers are still needed.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


The car show originally scheduled for Labor Day weekend has been canceled.


Old Business:


The Shindorf and Johnson camper trailer lawsuits were filed August 7th.  They have been given twenty-one days to respond.  We will proceed with legal proceeding regardless of whether or not their camper trailers are removed within the twenty-one days.


There is a scheduling hearing set for August 28th for the Whitman lawsuit.


New Business:


Bob Christ voiced concern regarding loose pets running out of control. Pet owners are asked to please keep your dog/cat in control at all times.


The LDPOA has been included in the lawsuit between Dan and Shannon Fleck v Jane and John Imo.


There is a growing concern about the lily pads in front of Bill Smith and Arda Boucher’s residence. The lily pads have begun to encroach on the channel.


At 10:46AM, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.






Respectfully Submitted:




Kim Byrne, Secretary






LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting July 8, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

July 8, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Jerry Agrusa

Rod Anderson

Kevin Mack



The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the May13, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.


Jim discussed the increase in cost of the subscription for The Hillsdale Daily News. LDPOA subscribes to the newspaper to follow foreclosure notices of Lake Diane properties.  Jim made a motion to not renew the subscription, Rod seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.  


Aquatic Life:


Clarke Environmental surveyed the lake weeds to assess the kill. They were satisfied with the results.  There have been many negative comments from members regarding the weed treatment.  Roger followed up with Clarke Environmental, and they have agreed to re-treat the weeds July 17th




Nothing new to report.




The cost of the permit for dredging is $2,000.00. Notices must be sent to all adjoining property owners of each specified dredging location.  There is a chance that if one property owner does not sign off, the location cannot be dredged.  Scott has requested names and addresses for property owners whose properties will be effected by the dredging for permit purposes.




Pea gravel is needed for the shoreline. The funding for the shoreline restoration project continues through various fundraisers.


We are in need of sand for the volleyball court and under the swing set at the shelter house park. The sand will be delivered prior to this year’s annual picnic.


Kevin trimmed the grass along the shoreline at Chickadee Park. The “old” play structure has been repaired and repainted.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


The preliminary planning for the annual picnic is underway. Set up will be August 4th @ 4PM.  We are still in need of volunteers to assist in multiple areas of the event.


Old Business:


There has been a judgment in favor of LDPOA in the LDPOA v Rogers case. The judgment orders the Rogers to remove all camper trailers, and pay all court costs associated with the case.


There have been 4/5 claims settled for back dues through small claims court. There have been five new claims for past dues filed.  The McDonald suit is moving forward.


Blaine LeBlanc has asked for a detailed ledger of his past due account. He has indicated that upon receipt and review, he will bring his account up to date.


New Business:


Terry Rupp discussed the pending updates to the shelter house. He questions the use of two doors since the tarp will still be used in the winter on the door side.  It was decided that there is a need for only one door.  He is seeking scrap 2” X 4” pieces of lumber.


After a successful Lake Diane 25th Anniversary Firework display, there has been a decision to contract the shooting of the show to Wolverine Fireworks.  The cost will be closely monitored.



At 11:04AM, Jim made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Roger seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.






Respectfully Submitted:




Kim Byrne, Secretary





LDPOA Annual Board Meeting June 11, 2016

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Annual Meeting

June 11, 2016



The meeting was called to order by President Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack

Terry Zibbell

Jerry Agrusa



The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


A quorum was verified.


Kim Byrne, Secretary, presented minutes from the June 13, 2015 annual meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Nominations were accepted for three vacant positions on the LDPOA Board of Trustees. Nominees were:


Scott Coakley

Jim Watt

Kevin Mack

Ruth Weiss


All candidates accepted their nominations.


Roger Giallorati made a motion that the option for nomination be closed.


Results of the election with number of votes received, and term length is:


Scott Coakley with 55 votes for a two year term

Jim Watt with 64 votes for a two year term

Kevin Mack with 66 votes for a three year term





Aquatic Life:


The lake has been treated for weeds. There were some areas of the lake which did not receive treatment.  The sprayers will return to treat the areas which were not treated.  The lake will be treated in the fall for lily pad control.  Permission slips have gone out to members for spraying through 2020.


The goose round up produced fifty-four goose eggs. There were no eggs collected the second round up.  The goose round up is held annually to reduce the goose population on the lake.  Goose waste increases the phosphorus level of the lake, so it is important to keep the population low.  The goose round up is effective as the goose population has reduced. 


The first water sample of the season has been collected. Lake Diane is not enrolled to have a phosphorous testing done this spring, however water clarity will be tested.  In the fall, phosphorous and water clarity will both be tested.




Terry Rupp gave a report on the Shoreline Restoration progress. There have been several fundraisers to date, with more to come.  It is projected that the work will commence in the fall. 


Due to the success of the annual Wine Crawl, a second playset has been placed at Chickadee Park. There will need to be a soft landing material placed underneath to prevent injury.  Thank you Jo Ellen Wright for your hours dedicated to the improvement of Chickadee Park!


Donna Davidson asked what will happen to the original structure which has been damaged by a wind storm. The slide has been broken.  Kevin Mack and Terry Rupp volunteered to repair what was left undamaged.  The estimated cost to repair is $100.  Jo Ellen Wright volunteered to donate the funds needed to repair the slide..


Lake Diane Events:


Jerry Agrusa has volunteered to chair the annual picnic. A volunteer form is circulating during the meeting today to seeking volunteers for set-up, roasting the sweetcorn, and cleanup.


The Toys For Tots Breakfast With Santa event will be held December 3rd.


Treasurer’s Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer, presented the Treasurers report. The report was approved as written.


The proposed 2017 annual budget was submitted. Bob Christ made a motion the proposal be approved as written.  Al Vitous seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


The yearly audit was completed by Mike Skaff, Rod Anderson and Nancy Bell. The 2015 audit was approved as written. 


Volunteers to complete the 2016 audit were sought. The three volunteers are:  Arda Bucher, Nancy Bell and Rod Anderson.  The audit will be completed, then presented at the 2017 annual meeting.




There was a discussion on what order sites will be dredged. There has not been a firm policy put in place to distinguish prioritizing locations.  There will be more discussion in future months.


Rod Anderson suggested speaking to property owners in troubled areas to seek donations to try to accelerate the dredging process.


Old Business:


All camper trailers will need to be moved. There are lawsuits pending.  The judgement with the Duquette’s lawsuit sided with the Duquette’s because the statute of limitations had run out on the placement of their trailer.  If the trailer deed restriction was not enforced within a ten year period, it was deemed unenforceable.  But, if a trailer is placed then removed repeatedly, the courts will enforce trailer deed restrictions according to the wording for each subdivision.  LDPOA will continue to enforce, then proceed with the necessary actions to remedy violations.  There continues to be a health and safety concern with the placement of trailers.


New Business:


There was discussion on past due accounts. It has been decided that if an account is in arrears over $1,000.00, LDPOA will proceed with collections through small claims court.  


At 12:39PM Al Vitous made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:



Kim Byrne, Secretary


LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting May 13, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

May 13, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Jerry Agrusa

Scott Coakley

Kevin Mack



The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the April 8, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written. 


Aquatic Life:


There were eleven eggs collected for the goose round up. The permit arrived past the first collection date as there was difficulty in receiving it.


Clarke Environmental will be treating the lake weeds the first week of June. They will evaluate in May to determine proper treatment date.


The “No Wake” signs will be placed in the appropriate areas.




Friends of Lake Diane has applied for and received approval for a 26’ X 40’ pavilion.




There have been twelve areas identified for dredging. Long Reach Excavation will be meeting with Scott today to determine if their equipment will be suitable for dredging.  Scott requested names and addresses for property owners whose properties will be effected by the dredging for permit purposes.




The shoreline restoration project continues. Pea gravel is needed soft landing material under the swings.


The “old” play structure in poor condition due to weather damage at Chicksadee Park. Kevin and Terry will be repairing and repainting the structure.



Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


Jerry Agrusa is chairman for the annual picnic, but will be absent from this year’s event. Al has agreed to temporarily chair if he has assistance.  This year’s competitions will include volleyball and corn hole.  Horse shoes will be removed from the event as there is little interest.


Old Business:


Roger passed out a draft letter to outline options for a resolution with LeBlanc/McDonald. The information will be shared at the annual meeting.  Progressive Engineering has indicated that the ponds are adequate to handle sewers in French Quarter.  Brad Smith indicates that they are inadequate.


New Business:


There are three trustee positions available for the LDPOA board of directors. Terms are up for Roger Giallorati, Al Vitous and Jerry Agrusa.




At 11:07AM, Kim made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jerry seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.




Respectfully Submitted:


Kim Byrne, Secretary




LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting April 8, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

April 08, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President (via teleconference)

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Jerry Agrusa

Kevin Mack


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Roger Giallorati presented minutes from the March 11, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes needed on adjustment; Permit for Goose Egg Nest Destruction has not been received.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written. 


There is $300.00 in the budget for the Breakfast with Santa Toys for Tots event for the 2016-2017 calendar year. This year’s event came in under budget.  Kim Byrne had made a motion that any unused budgeted funds be donated to the Hillsdale Area Toys For Tots at the March  Jim Watt asked for a receipt/bill and any deductions from the Toys for Tots event and he will write the check to be delivered. Kim to contact Jim to work out details.


Aquatic Life:


Roger has signed a contract with Clark Aquatic Services of Niles, Michigan for summer lake weed treatment. Roger will follow up on GE permit.





There have been two applications approved for construction, one for an addition and one for a deck.  The addresses are:  14701 West Diane Drive for addition and Garage and 13565 Monte Carlo for a deck around ¾ of the house.





Nothing new to report other than board was removed from Dam by the DEQ.








The canvas will be completely removed from 3 sides after next meeting (May) and the stove removed for summer. Terry Rupp will have crew present after the May meeting to move rocks to the shore.  Terry also will have Jonesville Lumber give quote on building hatches to cover top half of three walls along with building the same type wall on west side of Shelter House. The board will discuss options, then proceed with alternative winterization proposal to the LDPOA at the Annual Meeting for approval.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


Boaters Safety has been scheduled for June 3rd.


Old Business:


There was another discussion regarding the LeBlanc/McDonald lawsuit. LeBlanc and McDonald refuse to pay their outstanding dues of over $7,500.  They are in process of acquiring additional properties resulting in an increase to their outstanding debt to the LDPOA.  Jim and Roger have met with LDPOA attorney and reported we have no responsibilities to repair or install roads based on LeBlanc and McDonald’s theory of road ownership from original developers passing down to the LDPOA.


Dave Bonney attended meeting to discuss sewer system capabilities to handle French Quarter. Dave reported a third pond was built to handle all the subdivisions including FQ.  It was also noted by several attendees that French Quarter roads were built originally along with the other subdivisions.


Roger was given phone number to Progressive Eng. 616-361-2664. The original company that engineered the sewer system. He will contact to discuss as it is suggested the ponds can’t handle anymore waste.


Resolution options will be presented at the annual meeting, with a vote to follow by the LDPOA Members.


New Business:


Wade Clevenger questioned his bill for dues, Jim will investigate.


At 11:44AM, Jerry made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.  Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:

Roger Giallorati



LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting March 11, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

March 11, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President (via teleconference)

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary (via teleconference)

Jerry Agrusa

Scott Coakley

Kevin Mack


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Roger Giallorati presented minutes from the February 4, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written. 


There is $300.00 in the budget for the Breakfast With Santa Toys For Tots event for the 2016-2017 calendar year. This year’s event came in under budget.  Kim Byrne made a motion that any unused budgeted funds be donated to the Hillsdale Area Toys For Tots. Jerry Agrusa seconded the motion.   A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Aquatic Life:


Roger has signed a contract with Clark Aquatic Services of Niles, Michigan for summer lake weed treatment.


Roger has applied for, and received the permit for the annual goose roundup.





There have been two applications approved for construction of homes with garages. The addresses are:  14703 West Diane Drive and 14751 West Diane Drive.





Scott continues to investigate the level of the water in an attempt to reduce the cost of dredging. He will further communicate with both the DEQ (Susan Jones @ 517-435-9014) and Hillsdale County for clarification on the policies for possibly adjusting the dam to maintain the water level for the summer months only. 

A discussion was held regarding the areas of the lake to be dredged, and in what order. A preliminary decision has been reached to dredge the channel between Shore Side Plaza and West Pointe Subdivision.  It is believed that the entire lake community will benefit if this area is dredged first.  Scott is hopeful that work will commence just after Labor Day.




The canvas used on the shelter house for winterization is in total disrepair. The board will discuss options, then proceed with alternative winterization prior to the 2017 winter season.



Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


Boaters Safety has been scheduled for June 3rd.


Old Business:


There was a lengthy discussion regarding the LeBlanc/McDonald lawsuit. LeBlanc and McDonald refuse to pay their outstanding dues of over $7,500.  They are in process of acquiring additional properties resulting in an increase to their outstanding debt to LDPOA.


Resolution options will be presented at the annual meeting, with a vote to follow by the LDPOA Members.


New Business:


Arda Bucher and Bill Smith will be attending the Michigan Lake and Stream conference.


At 11:44AM, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jerry seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne, Secretary



LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting February 4, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

February 4, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President (via teleconference)

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary (via teleconference)

Jerry Agrusa

Scott Coakley

Kevin Mack


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Roger Giallorati presented minutes from the January 7, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written. 


Aquatic Life:


Roger and Jim met with Clark Aquatic Services of Niles, Michigan to obtain an estimate for Lake Diane weed treatment for the 2017 season. Their estimate was $16,625 plus $800 for the permit.  Last year’s cost was $23,000 with Aquatic Weed Control.  Clark Aquatic Services indicated that the spring/summer treatment will be prior to June 15th, and lily pads will be treated late summer.  Roger made a motion to contract Clark Aquatic Services for the lake weed treatment for 2017.  Al seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


There have not been any applications received from US Fish and Wildlife as of yet for the goose round-up. Roger will enquire.


The county has removed the board from the dam which was placed there to increase the lake levels with hopes that by increasing the lake level, there would be less of a need for dredging. This was a cost saving effort.  Scott proposes placing the board back into the dam late spring, then removing it for winter. 






There was an application approved for new construction of a house on West Diane.


The Rodgers have requested that the LDPOA board of trustees agree to allow them to keep their campers trailers on their lots for the entire summer. The request was denied.  They then made an attempt to proceed with a scheduling hearing with Hillsdale County Court, but were told it would be a waste of time, as the deed restrictions clearly state that camper trailers are prohibited.   




Scott is working on the pre-application and application with the DEQ for dredging.




The rocks that are needed to further secure the shoreline at the shelter house have been delivered. Terry would like to schedule a work day sometime in May to place said rocks.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


Because Jerry Agrusa will be out of town for the Family Picnic, Al has volunteered to chair for 2017.


The boater’s safety class schedule is still up in the air. Attendance is down since the class is now available online. Last year there were only nine attendees.  Holding the class every other year is up for consideration.


Old Business:


LDPOA and Blaine LeBlanc & Dennis McDonald have agreed to delay court action until August, 2017. LDPOA is suing LeBlanc/McDonald for payment of outstanding dues of approximately $7,500.00.  There are three options on the table:


  1. All outstanding dues be paid in full.
  2. A portion of the outstanding dues be paid, with the remaining balance forgiven.
  3. LeBlanc/McDonald will remove trees and brush from the roadways within the French Quarter subdivision at their cost in lieu of all outstanding dues. There would need to be a survey completed before the work would commence. This cost would be the responsibility of LDPOA. It is estimated that the survey would cost approximately $3.000.00. LeBlanc/McDonald own multiple properties within French Quarter, and have intentions of building “spec” homes for sale.


All options will be discussed at the annual meeting, with a vote to follow by the LDPOA Members.


New Business:


Nothing new to report.


At 11:47AM, Jim made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Al seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne, Secretary