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Nov. LDCA Board Meeting

Lake Diane Plaza

Your board meets at 9:00am local time the second Saturday. All welcome to attend. Location of November Meeting

Goose Population Control/Egg Roundup 1 – Community Help Welcome

Lake Wide

Our first authorized Canada Goose egg round up will start after the April LDCA board meeting on April 15th (~noon). LDCA trained board members have been issued a permit to perform this wildlife management activity.  The activity is to further the health and water quality of Lake Diane and the Clear Fork waterway and avoid E.coli and bacteria growth that would shut down water activities in the later Summer months. Reach out to your LDCA board for more information or ... read more

Annual Golf Outing

Annual lake wide golf outing.  Details to follow!

Volunteer Goose Egg Roundup – Control Day 1

Lake Diane Plaza

Volunteers Needed If you would like to tour around our over 300 acre waterways and shorelines to identify nests to prevent an overabundance of geese in our summertime, please contact the LDCA board so that we can coordinate with you to properly manage our goose nests. 2nd and 4th Saturday in April Contact your LDCA trustee or contact-us here.