Lake Diane Property Owners Association
Monthly Board Meeting
August 9, 2014
The meeting was called to order by President Roger Giallorati at 10:05 AM.
Board Members in Attendance:
Roger Giallorati, President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Al Vitous
Jerry Agrusa
Kevin Mack
Terry Zibbell
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Kim Byrne, Secretary presented the minutes from the May 17, 2014 meeting. The minutes were approved as written.
Treasurers Report:
Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.
Aquatic Life:
Weed spraying took place in June. In general, everyone is happy with the results. The lily pads will be sprayed late September. Roger explained that only 40% of each “group” of lily pads can be sprayed, but if a waterway is clogged, 100% of the clog can be sprayed.
Dr. Jo Lattimore will be performing lake mapping May 28-29, 2015. Volunteers will be sought for assistance and education. There is no charge for this service. Roger also indicated that the depth of the lake will also be mapped. Dr. Lattimore has requested a topographical map.
We will also need volunteers to attend the Michigan Lake & Stream conference April, 2015.
Building Committee:
Marty from the Hillsdale County Building Authority is aware of non-conforming lots. Al reported that property owners are gathering necessary information from him indicating they will be building a structure less than 200 square feet. When, in fact, their structures turn out to be larger and more complex than originally indicated. Al will continue to monitor and follow-up on this situation. He will then report back to the board.
Roger discussed the Variance Resolution that was passed approximately one year ago. He would like to suspend the resolution while he verifies the ability to make lots that are not touching contiguous. There is concern that pole barns will be constructed “everywhere”. In the past, variance applicants were granted permission to construct storage buildings on lots that were on the corners, sides or across the road from their lakefront lot. After discussion, Roger made a motion to: Temporarily suspend the variance resolution until we investigate with the attorney making lots contiguous that are not touching. Jim Watt seconded the motion. A vote was taken. The motion passed unanimously.
Today will be the special meeting to tabulate votes by Members for an increase in annual dues from $50 per lot to $120 for owner’s first lot, then $50 for every lot thereafter. There are enough votes to pass the resolution. Roger reported that dredging should begin in approximately two years. Members will decide as a group which area will be dredged first.
Kevin placed the required type buoys to mark the hazardous areas in the lake. Since water depth has decreased buoys are beginning to lean.
The island has not surfaced on the north end of the lake. Kevin has spoken to a biologist about the island. He reported that the island will surface when the water reaches a certain temperature. The island is made up of stumps and branches tied together to create a fish habitat. It has stayed on the floor of the lake for 30-40 years.
Terry Rupp gave a report on the shoreline restoration effort. There will be a committee meeting after today’s monthly meeting.
Welcome Committee:
Nothing new to report.
Lake Diane Events:
Today is the Annual Family Picnic. Thank you to all volunteers who help make this a successful event!
Old Business:
There is no update on the potential for a cellular tower.
The board discussed term length for the trustees who remain in position by election from the 2014 annual meeting. There is one-three year position, and two-two year positions. The trustees are Terry Zibbel, Roger Giallorati, and Jim Watt. Since all three trustees were the only three nominees, terms lengths will be decided prior to the next monthly meeting, then reported to the board. The following terms are due at the annual meeting, 2015: Jerry Agrusa, Al Vitous, and Kim Byrne.
Roger asked for volunteers to actively seek candidates for next year’s election for the
LDPOA Board. Kim Byrne and Terry Rupp volunteered.
New Business:
At 10:52AM, Roger suspended the monthly meeting to open the Special Meeting.
At 10:59AM, Roger re-opened the monthly meeting.
Al voiced his concern over the run-down house on West Diane. He reported that there are rodents in and out of the property and the lawn is no longer being maintained by the property owner. A discussion ensued, then it was decided that Roger will contact the attorney to discuss blight. Al will contact the Hillsdale County Building Authority. A report will be given at next month’s monthly meeting.
There have been multiple complaints of unsafe boating. Anyone witnessing unsafe or illegal boating is encouraged to call 911.
At 11:18AM, Al made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne, Secretary