Lake Diane Property Owners Association
Monthly Board Meeting
July 14, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.
Board Members in Attendance:
Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Rod Anderson
Kevin Mack
Jerry Agrusa
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the May 19, 2018 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.
Treasurers Report:
Jim Watt presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.
Jim made a motion that the maintenance account be closed. Jerry seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.
Aquatic Life:
Clarke Aquatic retreated the weeds on the northwest bay of the lake. The follow-up spray was successful. Lily pads are starting to come in extremely thick in that location.
One of the buoys was presumably hit by a watercraft. It is advised that boaters not tie off to it.
Scott met with the Michigan Marine to collect soil samples for the permit. We are expecting to dredge in September.
The water level is now below the dam. Karlye will discuss making an adjustment to the dam to increase the water level with the HCDC attorney, as requested by HCDC.
The remainder of the painting will be done August 3rd prior to setup for the annual picnic.
Lake Diane Schedule of Events:
All supplies have been ordered for the annual picnic. The scheduled date is August 4th with a 1PM start time.
Golf outing plans are on track. Due to the closing of Windwood Hollow, the new location will be Patriot Hill in Montpelier, Ohio.
Old Business:
The first meeting of the Lake Diane Community Association will be held today immediately following the Lake Diane Property Owners Association meeting.
New Business:
Nothing new to report.
At 10:27, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Scott seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne, Secretary