Lake Diane Property Owners Association
Monthly Board Meeting
September 9, 2017
The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:05AM.
Board Members in Attendance:
Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Jerry Agrusa
Rod Anderson
Kevin Mack
Jim Watt, Treasurer
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the August 12, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.
Treasurers Report:
Roger presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.
Kim asked if the annual audit has been completed. The answer was “no”.
Aquatic Life:
The lily pads will be treated late September. Jim will provide a map to Clarke Environmental to reference the trouble areas.
Bob Pitzen is stepping down from the Building Committee. The committee will now consist of Roger Giallorati, Rod Anderson, and Jerry Agrusa. The LDPOA board president (currently Roger) will be required to review and sign off on all building applications.
Ron Southworth has submitted application and been approved for an addition.
Dennis Miller has submitted application and been approved for a screened porch.
There has not been 100% response rate from the 88 property owners whom received letters regarding the dredging. It is imperative that 100% of the property owners respond favorably for the project to proceed. Scott intends to follow up with a second round of letters. He also plans to speak with property owners personally to answer any questions they may have. Terry Rupp has volunteered to assist Scott.
The next work day is scheduled for September 16th @ 8:30AM. Kim will contact members that help is needed.
Lake Diane Schedule of Events:
Nothing new to report.
Old Business:
The Shindorf and Johnson camper trailer lawsuits were filed August 7th. They were given twenty-one days to respond. To date there has been no response from either party. Roy Brandes is asking for a Summary Disposition. If granted, it would mean that if either party returns their camper trailer to their lot, LDPOA will have permission to remove it by any means necessary.
To date, Blaine LeBlanc has not paid his outstanding dues. LDPOA is pursuing legal action against Dennis McDonald for payment of outstanding dues.
The LDPOA has been included in the lawsuit between Dan and Shannon Fleck v Jane and John Imo. Roger and Kim have been diligently answering the twenty-eight page interrogatories, requests for production of documentation and requests for admission directed to LDPOA.
New Business:
There was discussion regarding harvesting the weeds/lily pads of the lake vs. treating with chemicals. Jerry volunteered to research.
Going forward, the LDPOA Annual Family Picnic will be held the first Saturday of August. There is a scheduling conflict with the monthly board meeting if it is held the second Saturday.
At 10:47AM, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Scott seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kim Byrne, Secretary