LDCA Monthly Board Meeting August 10, 2019

Monthly Board Meeting
August 10, 2019

Roger Giallorati, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Kim Byrne, Secretary
Rod Anderson
Jerry Agrusa
Kevin Mack

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10:00AM.

Minutes from the July 13, 2019 meeting were presented by Kim Byrne. The minutes were approved as written.

Jim Watt presented the Treasurers Report. The report was approved as written.


Jim reported that the membership drive has maintained status quo. To date there are 177 members.


There is no update on the progress of the raising of the level of the lake by 3”. Raising the level of the lake will have a positive impact on the dredging projections.

“NO WAKE” hours are not posted at the public access. Roger has contacted the DNR to ask them to replace the missing sign.
Jim will contact Clarke Aquatic regarding the spraying of the lily pads. Cris Hendricks was in attendance to discuss the criteria of the treatment. She was informed that only 40% of an “area” of the lily pads can be treated, and the property owner must grant permission. However, if the lily pads encroach the waterway, they can be treated despite the property owner granting permission, or not. Cris is concerned with the growth of the lily pads encroaching the waterway near their home. It should be noted that last year the lily pads were not treated, as the LDCA budget did not allow it.

The “NO WAKE” sign is not visible entering Jay Bay. Bill and Arda had previously placed a sign in advance of the original “NO WAKE” signs, and it disappeared. Kevin was able to locate the sign, and will reinstall it today. There was discussion on the placement of the sign. Kevin spoke to the sheriff’s department regarding “NO WAKE” designation and location of signs. He was informed that the HCSD does not have jurisdiction over placement of signs designating “NO WAKE” areas. The lake board must make the request to the township. The township will then make the decision in coordination with the DNR.

Without announcement, the MSU Extension and DNR were at the public access Friday, August 2nd to wash props and to educate boaters on invasive species.

View Drive North Bay property owners were in attendance to discuss possible locations for placement of spoils for their dredging project. Roger made a motion to approve View Drive North Bay spoils to be placed on Outlot A or Outlot E – Number 2 Lake Diane (Tax ID 301804600102) with the approval of HCDC and DEQ. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Dredging will commence today. Kevin and Scott have calculated that one inch of lake water equals ten million gallons.


There is a meeting scheduled with Karlye Horton to discuss the progress of the transfer of the parks. At the same time, there will be discussion on the dam level, disillusionment of LDPOA, the possibility of obtaining gaming licenses through the state of Michigan, parks maintenance and the filing of LDCA GOA’s with the Hillsdale County Registry of Deeds.

Terry turned over $313 to Jim from fundraisers for the shoreline restoration project fund.

Immediately following the September 14th meeting, we will complete the painting of the shed and move the rocks back onto the shore which have ended up in the lake.


There was a discussion regarding changing the date of next year’s annual picnic.

To date, the 2020 events schedule is as follows:

June 13, 2020 – Annual Meeting
June 20, 2020 – Lakewide Garage Sales
July 4, 2020 – Fireworks (Rain date, July 5th, 2020)
July 25, 2020 – Golf Outing

The Lake Diane Annual Fireworks will be endorsed by Lake Diane Community Association for Independence Day, 2020. Scott Coakley has volunteered to chair and organize the event. Scott has extensive history with coordination of the Lake Diane fireworks. To date, there are many experienced volunteers ready to promote the event to lake residents (only) and collect donations door to door.


Nothing new to report.


Nothing new to report.

At 11:29am Roger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne