LDCA Monthly Board Meeting – October 2022





Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Al Vitous , Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee


The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by President, Jerry Agrusa at 9:03 am.

The minutes from the 7-9-22 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. Motion to approve by Jim Watt-seconded by Kevin Mack. The minutes were approved as written.


Jim Watt presented the Treasurers report. Several bills plus insurance bills came in. Jim may contact another insurance company to get a quote. LDCA license (LARA) has been paid and is good till October, 2023. Received Consumers Power bill. Very little kilowatts used, all taxes and fees. Jerry motioned to approve treasurers report as written. Scott seconded. All approved,


199 members – no change

Jerry passed out meeting agenda


TRAILERS – Jerry and Chris to follow up to see if trailers re-appear. A couple are concerning. Last attorney letter gave 10 day notice to remove. Suggested that we tour on Memorial Day weekend, 2023 and send heads up letters of advisory notification of potential legal precedents.
RENTALS– comment made on website about rentals. There was a reply saying a resident was successful and any concerned residents may take action. The association and the board are not involved in any actions being taken. Although a no rentals statement is in the deed restrictions.

For LDCA to be involved in above, Atty would look into to see if the 7 parks would give legal standing to pursue both trailers and rentals. If yes, move forward next Spring. Then could go in front of judge. But parks are not in all subdivisions. Then up to the resident in that area.
Roads: Private roads are not funded or maintained by county. 3 ways to fix roads. Mail delivery could be affected

– All neighbors to fix at 100% their cost
– All neighbors to bring up to standard for county to maintain (Culvers, drainage, 16 ft wide) – 51% approval by neighbors to support with bond by township
Can’t count on County for financial support.

Any damage to new road won’t be funded by county since work was completed at that time


Reminder of Aquabounty meeting on Monday, September 12th at the Pioneer High School. Several board members will attend. Williams County pushing back about drainage lines


Jerry proposed future meetings to be held at 9:00 am. Store opens at 8:00 so winter meetings could be held there. Time changed was approved by all board members. We will close the shelter house after the October meeting.


Landscaping is still a mess. There are concerns about tripping and falling. If no changes by end of October, Jim will ask Amboy Twsp about status.


Bill was lower due to acreage decrease. Lily pad spraying was done on 8-23-22.


There is a broken child swing at Chickadee Park. Kevin will remove before someone gets hurt. Look into getting funds to replace next year.


The picnic was cancelled due to weather. Kim Byrne did a fantastic job on the golf outing. Thank you Kim! Wine crawl was successful again.


Kevin talked to friend in Irish Hills area. Weed spraying is done at their lake and billed to all owners equally for the next 7 years on their winter taxes. Need 51% of the approx 330 LD owners to approve. Township has to agree to put on tax bill. Kevin will get petition that they past around in Irish Hills. They used a company called JPM (lake mgmt) located in Kalamazoo to spray weeds there but would come to Lake Diane. More than 1/2 get sprayed so 51% might not be an issue. Cost would be lower for those who are paying now. Annual assoc fee would be decreased.

According to R281.730-11, wake time hours are 10:00 to 6:30, not recognizing DST. This is Twsp ordinance. Chris will adjust website. Boaters are abusing wake time by hours.

Per Drain Commissioner, can’t make board on dam higher without 2/3 vote, petition, $10K deposit for study etc. Was higher in 2017 until someone complained. If water level is below 950, board could be put in.

Suggestion to get map of hazards and shallow water in lake. Several known but not all marked. DNR and diving training team would have to get involved. DNR will not allow more than 2 buoys.

Take steps to add Jerry Agrusa for LDCA Financial information. Make plexiglass board cover for message board. Many letters are getting blown away.

At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell