LDCA Spring Newsletter, 2021




GREETINGS! With spring right around the corner, we would like to take this opportunity to give a quick recap of the 2020 season with the accomplishments of your Lake Diane Community Association, and a projection of what you can expect for 2021. The mission of the all volunteer Lake Diane Community Association (a non-profit, private association) is to continue to protect the value of all lake properties by:


Maintaining Lake Weeds

Conducting Water Quality Testing

Controlling Goose Population

Maintaining and Improving Parks

Maintaining Lake Level 


With the unforeseen circumstances of 2020, we believe that we can all agree that the lake season was anything but “normal”! That being said, there were still many accomplishments that we, as a lake community, should be proud of. LDCA membership increased to 196 members. The dredging project behind the lake plaza was completed. Goose eggs were collected in accordance with the Canada Goose Egg/Nest Destruction program. The shoreline restoration project continued with improvements at the shelter house park including a new play structure for the kids. The fireworks committee was able to collect $25,000 for a spectacular July 4th display. Lake weeds were treated both in the spring, and lily pads were treated in the fall. Surveys were completed on two of the six Lake Diane parks. Residents of Lake Diane and Amboy Township have diligently worked together to secure funding for paving of Woodbridge Road from the public access to Cellars Road, then east on Cellars to Hillsdale Road, East Diane Drive, Hilltop Dive, View Drive, Dale Drive, as well as Florida Lane.   


Unfortunately, most social events were cancelled as we maneuvered around the social distancing mandates imposed by the governor. Fortunately, that did not prevent us from holding the annual meeting, lakewide garage sales, fireworks, and the wine crawl. We fully expect the return of the boaters safety class, the golf outing and the annual picnic for 2021.    


If you have not joined Lake Diane Community Association, and would like to, please contact a member of the board. To become a member, you must submit a notarized Grant of Authority. (Provided to you for execution.) The Grant of Authority is valid for the current property owner only. Once a member property transfers ownership a new Grant of Authority is required for membership.  

The annual dues are as follows:

$150/yr. for one waterfront lot. Additional lots owned by the same property owner may join at a 50% reduction. For example, if you own two lots on the water and both lots join, your dues would be $225.

$200 if you wish to be a non-member, but want the lake weeds treated at your shoreline

$75 for non-waterfront lots.


All lake residents are invited to participate in each of the following events:

Boaters Safety tbd

LDCA Annual Meeting June 12, 2021 @ 10am

Lakewide Garage Sales June 19, 2021

*Fireworks July 2, 2021 (rain date July 4)

Golf Outing July 24, 2021

Family Picnic August 7, 2021

*Wine Crawl September 4, 2021

Toys For Tots Event tbd

*Non LDCA Event

**Please plan to attend the LDCA Annual Meeting June 12 @ 10am at the shelter house. There will be an election for three trustee positions on the board of directors. We will also vote on the annual budget.

***Monthly board of directors meetings are held the second Saturday of the month @ 10am at the shelter house.


As a reminder, camping trailers are prohibited in accordance with your deed restrictions. If you have a question regarding placement or use of a camping trailer, please reach out to a member of the Lake Diane Community Association board of directors or attend a meeting. 


Please practice safe boating rules/laws. Your safety is priority one. Wake hours are from 11am-7:30pm each day. Please travel counterclockwise around the perimeter of the lake staying at least 200 feet away from the shoreline, docks, swim rafts, and other structures. Keep your music at reasonable levels. Sound travels over water. If it’s loud enough to be heard 80 feet back, it is likely loud enough for homeowners to hear, too. Minimize repetitive passes on any one portion of shoreline. Once you’ve run the same line for a while, move on to another area. For the safety and enjoyment of your neighbors, please inform your guests of the lake rules and laws.


In closing, we would encourage you to enjoy all that Lake Diane has to offer. Many volunteers work diligently to make our community a great place to live and play. We are all looking forward to a fun and safe 2021!!