LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting August 13, 2016

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

August 13, 2016



The meeting was called to order by President Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Al Vitous

Jerry Agrusa

Scott Coakley

Kevin Mack


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the July 9, 2016 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written. 


Today’s meeting has been designated primarily to address the concerns surrounding the violation of subdivision deed restrictions with placement and storage of RVs, i.e. campers, motor homes, and travel trailers by property owners with deed restrictions recorded with their property deeds. The decision to designate this meeting for discussion of RVs came after the high member and non-member attendance at the July 9, 2016 monthly board meeting.  Notices were broadcast via email, the Lake Diane Facebook page, and hard copy encouraging members and non-members to attend today’s meeting.  There were also signatures obtained from members whom were unable to attend today’s meeting supporting the Lake Diane Property Owners Association Board of Trustees efforts in moving forward with enforcement of the removal of RVs from deed restricted lots.  Members in attendance voiced both their support and opposition of the enforcement of the removal of RVs.  Roger circulated photos to the attendees of properties at Nettle Lake with RVs placed for storage and use to reinforce the potential consequences of neglecting to enforce deed restrictions regarding use and storage of trailers.  


Pam Hill proposed a motion to hold a special meeting to discuss the RV issue, and the potential for revision of individual subdivision deed restrictions. Pam was advised that she must have not less than 5% of the member’s signatures supporting the request, then submit the motion to a trustee of the board.


Susan Miller presented a letter to the board voicing concern and dissatisfaction with member’s and non-member’s use of their lots. She encouraged all property owners to comply with their deed restrictions to preserve “our neighborhood and property values.”


Roger informed attendees that the board will continue to pursue property owners with RVs placed on their deed restricted lot(s). It is the opinion of Roy Brandes, Lake Diane Property Owners Association attorney, that consent judgment dated June 9, 1989 has defined the phrase “no trailer and temporary structure shall be used or stored within a subdivision” to be limited to RVs, and that the subdivision deed restrictions are enforceable.


At 11:55AM, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted:


Kim Byrne, Secretary