LDPOA Monthly Board Meeting January 17, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

January 17, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President (via teleconference)

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary (via teleconference)

Jerry Agrusa

Scott Coakley

Kevin Mack


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Roger Giallorati presented minutes from the November 16, 2016 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written. 


Aquatic Life:


As the cost of spraying continues to increase, Roger and Jim are meeting with a company whom has solicited their services to Lake Diane. They will meet Monday, then receive a take-off estimate from a map of the lake. 


Scott has received calls from the DEQ regarding the adjustment that was made to the lake levels. The DEQ stated that they have received complaints.  Scott is/has submitted all Hillsdale County Drain Commission documentation, photos.  The DEQ was mistaken in their understanding of the amount the lake was adjusted.  They understood it to be three feet, when in fact it is three inches, and water continues to flow over the dam.


There were two beavers trapped and removed from the channel between Yoders and Kays.




Scott Preston still has not been able to attain a permit to construct a storage barn on his off-lot. The county refuses to grant a permit based on the fact that their home lot and off-lot are in two separate subdivisions.




Scott will be attending a pre-application meeting with the DNR for the dredging project within the next couple of months.




The rocks that are needed to further secure the shoreline at the shelter house have been delivered.


Welcome Committee:  


Nothing new to report. This agenda item will be removed from future meetings.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


The Lake Diane Schedule of Events was presented for discussion and approval. Events will be as follows:


June 10                        Annual Meeting

June 17                        Garage Sales

July 1                           Fireworks

July 29                         Golf Outing

August 12                      Family Picnic

September 2                Car Show

December 2                 Toys for Tots Christmas Party


Old Business:


There has been a court date of March 13, 2017 for the case between LDPOA and Dennis MacDonald and Blaine LeBlanc. MacDonald and LeBlanc have outstanding dues that they deny owing.  This will be the second time there has been a court case to pursue unpaid dues from them.


New Business:


Blaine LeBlanc has requested a list of LDPOA members, citing the Freedom of Information Act. Roger declined the request, and will confer with the attorney regarding same.


At 10:35AM, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jerry seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne, Secretary